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Is it Actually Possible to Have A Balanced Diet?


Side Score: 7


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Ask a tight rope walker, he would know.



Side: Yes
1 point

Of course it is. One just has to be knowledgeable on the finer points of Biology and nutrition.

For us homo sapiens, what we would refer to as "a balanced diet" is not the same for everybody. There are individual factors that will alter it, including but not limited to your level of physical activity, current fitness status, allergies, and of course, as in ALL things, Genetics.

The main deal here is to balance your intake of proteins, carbohydrates (simple as well as complex); fats; sugars; and hydration. A "calories in/calories out (burned)" algorithm will then be used to tweak this for optimal benefits and efficacy.

As you can tell I am well-versed in the subject, owing to Being a Biologist AND a former collegiate athlete. I have, and still do, prescribe dietary plans for friends of mine looking to lose weight or just improve their fitness levels.

So, uh, let me know if you need any more info on this. I could probably help you too. As I recall you fashion yourself as something of an athlete? You once said you could hit a puck 100 miles an hour? LOL..which I know is bullshit of course. And you could generate fast and debilitating MA kicks at a rate of three per second, or some such?


Hope this helps.


Side: Yes
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

I have a question: do high-speed blenders damage the nutritional value of the foods blended?

Side: Yes
SlapShot(2608) Clarified
2 points

No sir, they do not.

When you think about it, how could they?

Since at it's most basic and useful form of nutritional value, the food we eat provides us nutrition (fuel) at the molecular level.

And blenders get nowhere close to breaking down our foods to this level. Even the smallest particulate piece of matter after a good blending is still comprised of thousands if not millions of molecules.

BUT: what CAN breakdown nutrients is microwaving and over-cooking. Also freezing for too long of a period.

Many of the vegetable and fruits we eat today have less nutrients than they did, say, a decade or two ago because of the depletion of nutrients in the soils from where their crops came from. Many farmers do not rotate their crops as they should.

Avoid HFCS. Avoid simply carbos, except as a quickie energy source. Avoid trans-fats. Try to eat 4-5 small meals a day. This keeps your digestive system in optimal practice and efficacy.


Drink Lots of water.

Take a good multi-vitamin.

Avoid refined sugars and processed or "dead foods."

Get the equivalent in grams of protein each day to your body weight in lbs.


Side: Yes
1 point

How can I boost the natural production of adrenaline in me?

Side: Yes
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Have someone scare the shit out of you.

You're welcome



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