
Debate Info

Yes i do WTF ? why would i do that ?
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes i do (2)
 WTF ? why would i do that ? (1)

Debate Creator

debatequeen7(24) pic

Is it just british people that send xxxxxx on text messages

is it just the British or do other country's send xxx in text messages 

Yes i do

Side Score: 2

WTF ? why would i do that ?

Side Score: 1
1 point

I do that allll the time... however... I'm Irish .. xxx Might need to do a survey xD

Side: Yes i do
1 point

I do it, but I'm British x.


Side: Yes i do
1 point

We dont do that in France .

Side: WTF ? why would i do that ?