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Is it possible to sneeze yourself to death?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 5
2 points

Yes. You could have a weak blood vessel that bursts and die of internal hemorrhaging.

You could have an uncontrollable sneezing fit while driving on a busy freeway, and be crushed between two semis.

I suppose I could think of more ways too

Side: yes
1 point

Maybe if you can't stop sneezing to the point where you aren't getting a chance to inhale. I've never heard of anything like that ever happening though lol. Also, don't our heart's skip a beat each time we sneeze? I heard that once. So maybe a long chain of nonstop sneezes can make you flatline. I bet one huge sneeze could mess something up too, especially if you're old. I'm gonna be honest, this makes me laugh a little bit. Could you imagine what the gravestone would read (if people actually still have the cause of death written on gravestones)? "Here lies John Doe. He suffered one sneeze too many". It sounds like one of those tombstones you'd read on that haunted house ride at Disney lol.

Side: yes
1 point

Here's a perfectly legitimate scenario on how to die of of sneezing:

Your standing out in your back garden...

When you feel your nose become a bit ticklish...

You sneeze and your whole body spasms in such an uncontrollable way that you have to take a step back...

...right into the pit of fire you were installing into your back garden.

Side: yes


I sneezed myself to death once.

My sinuses were inside out when I passed on.

How am I here you ask?

Well, this is my clone body.

Clone body?

Who doesn't have a clone body?

You silly goose.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes sneezing can lead you to death well maybe it depends on what you are doing in the moment you are sneezing.

Side: yes

Yes it is very possible because too much sneezing can stop you from breathing.

Side: yes

I thought yes. I googled it, and this was my result.

Side: Yes
1 point

I wouldn't think so? But then again some might think that your heart stops when you sneeze or it may be possible for your soul to escape through a sneeze...

God bless you!

Side: No
1 point

Also, don't our heart's skip a beat each time we sneeze? I heard that once. So maybe a long chain of nonstop sneezes can make you flatline. I bet one huge sneeze could mess something up too, especially if you're old. I'm gonna be honest, this makes me laugh a little bit. Could you imagine what the gravestone would read (if people actually still have the cause of death written on gravestones)?

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Side: No

The actual physical act of sneezing, I doubt it, yet obviously, sneezing passing germs, and some germs are deadly.

Side: No

I don't think so, but maybe I am wrong and someone may have sneezed himself to death.

Side: No