
Debate Info

Moral Immoral
Debate Score:40
Total Votes:44
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 Moral (15)
 Immoral (17)

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Atrag(5666) pic

Is smacking a child moral?

Smacking means to physical strike a child with the intention of causing pain for the purpose of discipline.


Side Score: 18


Side Score: 22
2 points

In the terms of punishment yes because then they'll actually learn a lesson have you seen a kid who's punishment isn't a good smack? All the ones I know run havoc where ever they go. But in the terms of smacking them for no reason then it's immoral but honestly I'd just call it child abuse at that stage.

Side: Moral

It's not necessarily moral but it's not just immoral. It has the intention of teaching them that's wrong. Just saying "No" or "that's bad" doesn't always do it, sometimes a hit is most necessary. That doesn't mean you should hit them for everything bad that they do or that you should cause them to fear you, but if no other option would suffice then it may be best so long as it's not in the face. The face is their identity and when hit their it has greater implications than a simple "You're wrong".

Side: Moral

True, it does teaches kids right from wrong. The only time its wrong is when it is abusive.

Side: Moral
Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

Justify why taking away their electronics or banning them from sweets for a week doesn't do the same in a far more moral manner.

Side: Immoral
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

As I said, some kids need the extra added incentive of physical discipline.

It's a natural instinct we have to stop doing something that causes us pain. Seeing something we enjoy being taken away causes us to cope without it. or it did for me anyway.

Side: Moral
1 point

My mama's biggest mistake was not whooping my ass .

Side: Moral
Del1176(4975) Disputed
2 points


Her biggest mistake was not insisting on using protection. ;)

Side: Immoral
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Is that your idea of foreplay? You will have to try much "harder" than that. ;)

Side: Moral
2 points

I think a good timeout of a talking to is better than the phycological idea when a parent slaps there child it makes kids feel like no one cares about them

Side: Immoral
2 points

It certainly seems immoral.I have smacked a child for disrespectfulness and only ended up feeling disrespectful myself. It cannot be moral to hit a being so helpless, knowing that the event will traumatise them. A child is quite innocent and in order for adults to make them respectful, they must show and teach respect, I've realised.

Side: Immoral
1 point

In terms of morality, there is no way that hitting a child is more moral than a non-physically damaging punishment (other than perhaps mental ro sexual torture).

It's very basic and animalistic, never letting the child understand the deeper meaning behind the punishment.

I do condone hitting, however, if dealing with a violent child.

Side: Immoral
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

If my mama had whooped my ass, I would have done much better. I wish that I had my ass whooped so I could learn discipline.

Side: Moral
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

What the...?

Side: Moral
1 point

Snarling at them or tripping them up is better. Hitting just creates resentment, fear and hatred.

Side: Immoral
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

Sometimes the guilt does all the work for you and the hit just assures them of what they did as wrong and helps them to move on.

As a personal touch to this argument, I was beaten as a child for fighting in school. I slammed the kid's head on the pavement, and as I was sitting in the principle's office my biggest fear was not of being beaten it was that I was being beaten for being wrong. I later realized that and accepted it.

Side: Moral

It is horrifying! A mental scar is placed to that child that will carry over in adulthood.

Side: Immoral
1 point

Still a virgin with too much time on his hand eh Prodigee hahahaha

Side: Immoral
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

I don't think it's Prod though just a person from Sodahead. Astac on the otherhand thats most likely him.

Side: Moral