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Repudiated Just a temporary technicality
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 Repudiated (2)
 Just a temporary technicality (4)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Is the rejection of the left becoming a worldwide phenomenon?


Side Score: 2

Just a temporary technicality

Side Score: 4
1 point

I am a publisher and this post really helped me out as I was thinking about how things will work out in this pandemic. I had checked that an essay writer cheap had also done something like this so I was interested in how to do it.

Side: Repudiated
0 points

Is the rejection of the left becoming a worldwide phenomenon?

Hello bront:

In MY world, when MILLIONS of people take to the streets to TELL an authoritarian government that you will NOT silence us, and you will NOT take our freedom away, is as LEFT wing as you get.. Truly.. It's like taking a knee.



Side: Repudiated
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

BOY talk about a AUTHORITARIAN well here it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Astead W. Herndon

April 22, 2019

Senator Kamala Harris of California, the former prosecutor who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, on Monday committed to a host of executive actions to implement gun control measures that have long failed to pass in Congress.

At a town hall hosted by CNN, Ms. Harris said that, if elected, she would sign an executive order mandating background checks for customers of any firearms dealer who sells more than five guns a year. The executive actions would also include more stringent regulation of gun manufacturers that could result in revoked licenses or prosecution, as well as an attempt to close the loophole that allows some domestic abusers to purchase guns if their victim is an unwedded partner.

Side: Just a temporary technicality
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID got another AUTHORITARIAN for YA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eric-Swalwell-assault-weapons-buyback-nukes-2020-13751859.php

Bay Area congressman Eric Swalwell on Monday became the latest person to join the incredibly crowded 2020 Democratic presidential race.

His primary policy message of the campaign will be gun control, and he's proposing a mandatory buyback of "military-style semiautomatic assault weapons."

"I will be the first candidate to say that reducing gun violence has to be a top three issue," Swalwell told Esquire. "Last year I wrote a bill calling for a buyback and ban on assault weapons — not just to ban future manufacturing, but to just take the 15 million that are out there and buy them back."

Swalwell stated that the buyback is mandatory.

LMMFAO !!!!!!! And you LEFTIST are all about the CONSTITUTION !!!!!!!!!! LAP DOG you are an IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Just a temporary technicality
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID in your WORLD you do not believe in FREEDOM !!!!!!!!! BUBBLE CHEEKS named BROOKE BALDWIN tells you there is no FREEDOM yet you IDIOTS want OPEN BORDERS for all ILLEGAL ALIENS and those ILLEGAL ALIENS are not escaping SHITHOLE countries for FREEDOM !!!!!!!!! CONFUSION is your WORLD !!!!!! CAN you even put milk on your CEREAL ??????????????????

Side: Just a temporary technicality
0 points

In MY world, when MILLIONS of people take to the streets to TELL an authoritarian government that you will NOT silence us, and you will NOT take our freedom away, is as LEFT wing as you get

Except that the left is shadow banning, censoring, trying to overturn inalienable rights, running people out of restaurants, and using violence to silence anyone who isn't them on college campuses. Not to mention, taking the Redcoats exact position on taxing us into oblivion against our will.

Side: Just a temporary technicality
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