
Debate Info

Yes, I've seen them No little green men out there
Debate Score:43
Total Votes:54
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 Yes, I've seen them (16)
 No little green men out there (10)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?


Yes, I've seen them

Side Score: 26

No little green men out there

Side Score: 17
4 points

I have not seen them but as a rational actor, I expect they exist in the universe. According to Carl Sagan, the cosmos are SO huge that there are so many possiblities that life has to exist somewhere else.

Side: Yes, I've seen them

The absence of proof is not a proof of absence..... Damn....., that's deep! ;)

Side: Yes, I've seen them
2 points

Yeah, on Neptune. What? oh intelligent life. uhhh, no..................................

2+2 is CHICKEN
Side: Yes, I've seen them
1 point

Drake's equation... again, (I copied and pasted from earlier. 'x' means 'times')

Average rate of star formation x fraction of those stars that have planets x average number of planets that can potentially support life x the number of planets which actually did develope life x the fraction of those planets that develope intelligent life x the fraction of those planets with intelligent life that develops means to signal their existance x the length of time that life is able to signal their existance =

the number of planets with intelligent life we could potentially communicate with.

So yeah, there's a whole lot of guessing in that equation.

But even using a low estimate of how many planetary systems (that's stars with at least one planet, in most cases they have more) are actually out there, there's apx.

10,000,000,000,000,000 planetary systems (yeah, that's alot)

It's really kind of a willful ignorance to think that none of them accept us has intelligent life.

And that none have intelligent life right now, at the same time this planet happens to have intelligent life.

Even if one were to be so naive as to think we did not evolve, but were created, one would still have to admit that evolution does indead work (unless they're completely insane, in which case they probably already think they've seen a UFO anyway)

just by accident there would almost have to be "somone out there."

Side: Yes, I've seen them
1 point

I'm sure you've seen this, but

I completely agree that while the probability that any one planet contains intelligent life may be infinitesimally small, there are enough planets that according to the Law of Large Numbers it is likely that there is intelligent life somewhere.

My problem with Drake's equation is that it kind of violates the scientific method. To my understanding most equations have been derived from data and seeing the relationship between variables. I don't know much about him or his equation, but it seems like his equation is not based on data, and that he is going from conclusion -> experiment -> hypothesis instead of hypothesis -> experiment-> conclusion.

I would like to reiterate that I think it is highly unlikely that there is no other intelligent life in the universe. Maybe that's how we know they're intelligent. They've never tried to contact us. (I'm fairly certain I plagiarized that from somewhere, but I can't recall from what.)

Side: Yes, I've seen them
1 point

Yes! I live in Sunny Cali and I know for a fact that there is intelligent (intelligent loosly defined) life in the Middle East and Asia!

Side: Yes, I've seen them
1 point

Hello, I can only offer these few quotes of mine;

"As far as life elsewhere in the Universe, there has to be, because there is way too much room for nothing else to be in it..."


"The idea behind the design of any soul I'll bet wasn't human..."


"If you cannot see Heaven behind the clouds or past the stars then you must still be in it, amidst the unrest..."

-Ernest Norman Paquin-

Side: this is about logic now
0 points

yes, and they are intelligent enough to stay the hell away from us.

Side: Yes, I've seen them
0 points

Of course Sarah Palin is from another planet there is no way she is smart enough to be on the planet Earth. Wow Sarah Wow!!!!!

Lebron " The King" James for President

Side: Yes, I've seen them

I've seen a good share of UFOs in my lifetime, and think about the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe like this: In this galaxy alone, there are approximately 400 billion stars, in just our "Local Group" alone, there are about 35 different galaxies, and who knows how many Local Groups there are? Really, the question you're trying to ask is, how could there NOT be intelligent life out there. Jut in our local group there are over a trillion stars. And do you know what the sad thing is? The closest star to us, Alpha Centauri, with our fastest rockets, would take over 75,000 years to get to. It is over 10 trillion miles away. Over a light year. So just remember people, there has GOT to be extra-terrestrial life out there, there simply HAS to be. How could there not be? Out of all the UFO sightings, Roswell, I think it is simply illogical to think otherwise. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your evening.

Side: Yes, I've seen them
-1 points



Intelligent life?

Not in this universe, there is no need for intelligent life outside of this planet.

Side: not exactly
xaeon(1095) Disputed
4 points

What do you mean there is no need for intelligent life? Need has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Nothing in this universe is here because of need; it's here because of circumstance. We're here because the earth and the correct environment is here, and the earth is here because the processes that allowed it to form are here, etc, etc.

Life arose because the conditions for it existed, not the other way around.

Side: probably
E223(193) Disputed
2 points

There's no need for a lot of stuff outside of this planet, but it's still there (EX: Most of the outer planets in the solar system, most of the inner planets in the solar system, the asteroid belt, most other solar systems, most other galaxies, etc. etc.)

Side: No little green men out there
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
0 points

Well, there's no need for intelligent life here either.

Therefore, following your logic, there must not be intelligent life here at all.

I mean, if need necessarily = existance, than that's the only logical conclusion.

Which would be fine if I thought you were making a "I'm still looking for intelligence here" joke.

However, being pretty familiar with your arguements by now,

I'm very afraid your not joking at all...

Please, tell me you were joking...

Side: probably
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Maybe I should just use the logic that we all just happen to be here, on a planet with the perfect environment to survive where we can learn and progress just for no reason other to survive then die, then when we die we just cease to exist forever and ever.

You wanted a joke.

Side: this is about logic now

I'm still waiting for life on Earth to display some proof of intelligence ;)

Side: No little green men out there
1 point

Life, maybe... Intelligent life, I'd say "no".

Side: No little green men out there
tshare(4) Disputed
1 point

Statistics disagree. They say there is intelligent life out there.

While the chance that intelligent life forms of life form in any one system is extremely low. With trillions upon trillions of potential systems, it is extremely likely, if not statistically proven, that life does exist.

However, it is also statistically likely that this life that exists, is too far from us to have any sort of contact with them...practically forever.

Think of it like...what are the chances that someone wins the One in a million...But if a million people play, then chances are pretty good. Same thing, but with solar systems and life.

Side: probably
0 points

...there'a barely intelligent life here on earth let alone elsewhere in the galaxy.

Side: No little green men out there