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Reward Points:33
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Capitalism does work, when not mired down by our current and past Presidents. We've been moving toward socialism since FDR. And, capitalism is being punished. Bush enacted the new CPSC law that is killing small businesses and the capitalist mindset. I had to close my small business that manufactures educational products because I can't afford the testing. The idea was to hold China responsible for the crap it sends over here, instead, thousands of small business owners are closing their doors..capitalism does work, but it's being killed by laws and regulations.

The idea that the government needs to get involved in every aspect and control things is what's killing capitalism in this country.

And, if socialism is so wonderful, why are people from countries that have socialized medicine coming to the US for treatment?

0 points

yes, and they are intelligent enough to stay the hell away from us.

0 points

. "And they would understand that the focus of Islamic jihad is mainly Israel"

Read the Q'uran, the focus of Islam has always been violence against anyone who is not a muslim, not just the Jews. Beheadings and murder has been part of the Islam from the very beginning. Muhammad's caliphs were all murdered and several of them ordrered the murders of their own children. In fact, one caliph ordered his son murdered because he was drunk on wine. Sorry, Islam has always been radical, has always been violent. The only way to deal with them is to destroy them. People, we aren't going to change their brainwashed minds.

If you want direct quotes, I'll be glad to provide them. There is no Islam and radical Islam - reading the Q'uran, it's all radical. Again, read the Q'uran. It specifically calls for the killing of all non-believers.

Israel is truly a country with balls. Unfortunately, the Jews living in America do not have the testicular fortitude of their Israeli brothers. The majority of Jews in America feel guilty for the money they've made, so they align with the liberals and socialists. Boggles my mind.

1 point

Galileo, not only because of his research but because he put forth his theories and stuck to them at a time when people weren't as open to such ideas.

Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet? I thought Al Gore was the inventor of the Internet. Sheesh, all these years and I thought that brilliant cough mind brought us the Internet.

1 point

I prefer birthdays 'cause the Chippendale stripper doesn't do house calls on Christmas Day.

1 point

English, Greek, Spanish and a bit of German.

1 point

Yup, we all do or say things at some point during our lives that could have used a bit more forethought. Call it dumb, stupid, poor planning, whatever nice touchy-feely label you want to put on it. But, it's how we, hopefully, learn...or not.

0 points

Eventually, we will find more efficient ways to utilize and manufacutre hydrogen for vehicles and powering our homes (think photosynthesis). However, this also means our power infrastructure could become more decentralized. Each of us could potentially produce enough hydrogen to power our own homes and cars - there would be no need for a centralized electrical power grid system.

So, until the government, auto companies, power companies, etc. start thinking in this direction, petroleum production will be around for awhile.

Besides, we have too many other petroleum-based products upon which our society and economy is dependent.

1 point

People who park in the fire lane at the grocery store right in front of the exit/entrance, so anyone coming out of the store with a full cart has to maneuver around the car.

0 points

I feel we need a spelling and punctuation check on CD.

GCSGIRL has not yet created any debates.

About Me

"I'm a mean, sarcastic, unhappy, smarmy, terrible, horrible, awful preservative. Just plain miserable, miserable, miserable, miserable, miserable - yup, that's me :) Especially if I don't agree with you. Then, I'm really mean, sarcastic, unhappy, smarmy, terrible, and horrible."

Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Other
Education: Post Grad

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