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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:9
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 good (4)
 bad (1)

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OmegaPan(710) pic

Just watched liberal press attack Trump's doctor...

He's the same doctor that served Obama and Bush. 

The press accused him of "hiding things" and went after him military style. 


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 2
1 point

Cool story. Only nobody cares about your pathetic whining. Oh noes, somebody asked Trump a difficult question, therefore the media is a liberal conspiracy!! What are you, seven?

Side: good
1 point

No way is he that young. I've read a few of his posts and all he ever does is complain, He sounds more like a 90 year old hernia patient, moaning about the good old days when you were allowed to hang indians in the street.

Side: good
1 point

It was very strange that a doctor would say that a patient has "incredible genes" as a reason for good health. I have never heard that expression in my life.

Side: good

Yes, we are witnessing the intolerance of the Left.

They are showing how hateful and judgmental they truly are. Have you ever seen such hatred towards people who are Conservative?

All the Left does is throw hideous decpetive lies and insults towards Trump. They constantly call him a racist and nazi.

LOL, that would be like calling Obama a Nazi for being a Liberal. What total fools they are.

Side: bad
Atrag(5666) Disputed
0 points

Why don't you go back to request child porn Hellno rather than creating this boring accounts? You get even more of a response for doing that.

Side: good