
Debate Info

True Screw you bront
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 True (1)
 Screw you bront (3)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Leftists think Labor Day is when you give birth


Side Score: 1

Screw you bront

Side Score: 3
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Right wingers think halloween is when you shine a flashlight down your urethra and say "look, I've got a hollow ween".

Side: Screw you bront
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So the LEFTIST has it some experience with what it typed ! I can understand why you FOOLS have a TWISTED MIND ! Does TARGET have the BATHROOM just for you ???????

Side: True
1 point

So the RIGHT WINGER has it an experience of what I just type !!!!! I can contemplate philososophically the notion of a FOOL with a Hallow penis !!!!!! DOES the dildo store have an option for you ????????????????????

Side: Screw you bront
1 point

Right wingers think Mothers Day is nine months after Fathers Day. :-) Stupid, huh??

Side: Screw you bront