
Debate Info

Liberal women want Cons man Liberal women want Liberal man
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Liberal women want Cons man (2)
 Liberal women want Liberal man (2)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28599) pic

Liberal women want Conservative men

I recently read an article where a die hard liberal, feminist woman was confused to find out that she was only attracted to strong, masculine, Conservative men. Apparently biology is a topic liberals and feminists would love to ignore, but there it is looking them in the eyeball.

Liberal women want Cons man

Side Score: 2

Liberal women want Liberal man

Side Score: 2
1 point

You read. That's a good one. You are pretty funny.

Side: Liberal women want Cons man
1 point

Do you ONLY read fiction, or do you sometimes read factual literature??

Side: Liberal women want Cons man
1 point

She is a feminist reporter who wrote the article herself.

Side: Liberal women want Liberal man
1 point

Joe Friday is over here with "Just the Facts"........................

Side: Liberal women want Liberal man