
Debate Info

Lib racism different this that & the other
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Lib racism different (1)
 this that & the other (2)

Debate Creator

Mingodalia(203) pic

1 point

Hello M:

I wondered why our local right wingers dug up Farahakan from the dust bin of history... Then I watched FOX News for a few minutes..


Side: Lib racism different
1 point

Probably because Democrats are happily taking his endorsements & having meetings with him recently. Can Ted Cruz meet with David Duke tomorrow?

But mainly because your party seems to have millions of people happily following jihadists, racists, & antisemites. The fact that doesn't disturb you disturbs me.

Side: this that & the other
2 points

So basically liberals are just as big of hypocrites as conservatives. OK. That's why we need moderates and independents in government.

Side: this that & the other