
Debate Info

Game on Take big brother down
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:13
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 Game on (3)
 Take big brother down (3)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

Lindsey Graham’s next move: Investigate Obama’s Department of Justice

Lindsey Graham’s next move after Mueller report: Investigate Obama’s Department of Justice

Game on

Side Score: 6

Take big brother down

Side Score: 4
2 points

Greenville online huh? Nice credible source as always. Was the Disney website down?

Side: Game on
1 point

If you're not denying that Lyndsey Graham is wanting to investigate Obama, that was pretty much a pointless response, eh Nom?

Side: Take big brother down
1 point

Oh look. It was common knowledge...

Might wanna only egage in topics where you at least have the first clue about what's going on.

Side: Take big brother down
1 point

Lindsey Graham’s next move: Investigate Obama’s Department of Justice

Hello bront:

Why stop there??? I heard JFK had affairs.. Doncha wanna investigate that??


Side: Take big brother down
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID shall we investigate all voters that you oppose ????????????????

Side: Game on
1 point

Why stop there??? I heard JFK had affairs.. Doncha wanna investigate that??

Nope. I wanna investigate the guy that was illegaly spying on Americans and weaponizing the intelligence agencies. You know. The guy that's still alive and just got out of office.

What's the matter Con? You loved Stalinist tactics a few months ago.

Side: Game on