
Debate Info

Yes But my religion
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:19
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 Yes (4)
 But my religion (10)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Marxist Critical Theory and its deception

In sociology and political philosophy, the term critical theory describes the neo-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, which was developed in Germany in the 1930s.



Side Score: 5

But my religion

Side Score: 11
1 point

Hello bront:

Mee theenks you protest too much... Clearly, your orange leader is bowing to HIS leader, the ex-KGB COMMUNIST.. If MY leader was doing that, I'd demonize HIM. But, you're not.. At SOME point, you're gonna have to address reality... Trump is BEHOLDEN to Putin.. It's OBVIOUS to everybody.. Not you, huh?



Side: Yes
2 points

So show us evidence of collusion. I'll take a fingerprint, a bloddy rag. Anything....

Heaviest sanctions on Russia of any President.

Attacked Assad and Russia's military in Syria.

Defunded Iran, Russia's closest ally.

So what mythological reality are you looking at?

Side: But my religion
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

So show us evidence of collusion. I'll take a fingerprint, a bloddy rag. Anything....

Hello bront:

Come on, man.. You wanna spoil the ending. You know I got nothing - today.. That's because the investigation hasn't ended yet. The ending comes at the END, not in the middle.. You can't MAKE it end in the middle, cause it's the MIDDLE and NOT the end.. Am I making sense???


PS> Oy vey.. Poochyboy is gonna have a field day with this answer.

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Mee theenks you protest too much... Clearly, your orange leader is bowing to HIS leader, the ex-KGB COMMUNIST.. If MY leader was doing that, I'd demonize HIM. But, you're not.. At SOME point, you're gonna have to address reality... Trump is BEHOLDEN to Putin.. It's OBVIOUS to everybody.. Not you, huh?



SUPER STUPID who lacks any facts can you prove your statement and i quote you -Clearly, your orange leader is bowing to HIS leader, the ex-KGB COMMUNIST..

Got some pics to link up SUPER STUPID ?????????

Side: But my religion
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

Hello Poochyboy,

So, you thought I meant actually bowing, huh?? Oh you poor poor pathetic idiot. Now rollover.


Side: Yes

So let me get this straight you ridiculous dickhead...

You provide us a list of quotes from LITERALLY THE BIGGEST ANTI-COMMUNIST OF ALL TIME (i.e. Hitler)...

And use them to try to convince us that Hitler was a Communist?

Are you actually fucking retarded, bronto? Literally who falls for this shit? 70 years ago, THE VERY SAME PERSON (i.e. Hitler) was the one doing the VERY SAME JOB you are currently doing (i.e. spreading lies about Communism)

You act like Hitler and then try to use Hitler as a straw man argument against Communists? Just wtf, bronto? Just wtf???

Side: But my religion