
Debate Info

Truth Fiction
Debate Score:103
Total Votes:127
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 Truth (14)
 Fiction (4)

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Angeloftruth(147) pic

Nazi-Hunting Fantasies Have Unhinged The Left.

Nazi-Hunting Fantasies Have Unhinged The Left.

The Left's tendency to smear anyone who disagrees with them as a Nazi is spiraling to the point of paranoid insanity.


Side Score: 98


Side Score: 5
1 point

The worst part of it is that now the word "Nazi" has lost all power and meaning. When someone on the far-left calls someone a "Nazi" it doesn't mean "evil authoritarian racist" it means "someone I disagree with".

Side: Truth

The Left's tendency to smear anyone who disagrees with them as a Nazi is spiraling to the point of paranoid insanity

You cannot point us to any post where somebody on the left has claimed that "anybody who disagrees with them" is a Nazi. You are rewriting other people's arguments again because it is all you know how to do. You lie about what other people say and then use your own lies to ridicule them.

Can you think of any other political group in history which behaved that way?

Side: Fiction