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Debate Score:21
Total Votes:23
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 Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom (17)

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Sasuke(108) pic

Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom

Yo, I have just recently started posting on a site called Defending The Truth. It is a mostly political forum but there are other topics as well. You might want to join as there are plenty of cunts to argue with.

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1 point

Note: I joined a few months ago actually but just started posting there again.

Note: I joined a few months ago actually but just started posting there again.

Easy brother.

I'm on the sign up page now. Can you use a phoney email address, or do they send you a link before you can log in?

Sasuke(108) Clarified
1 point

I'm on the sign up page now. Can you use a phoney email address, or do they send you a link before you can log in?

I don't remember them sending any kind of verification bullshit but I could be wrong.

1 point

Can you use a phoney email address, or do they send you a link before you can log in?

Attempting to create another 500 puppet account army on another site, eh Nom?

You might want to join as there are plenty of cunts to argue with.

That's because you are there.

Sasuke(108) Disputed
1 point

That's because you are there.

It is a much more diverse community than CD hopefully you run into some more socialists who are ready to shit on your idiotic posts.

2 points

hopefully you run into some more socialists who are ready to shit on your idiotic posts.

Socialists are notorious for knowing talking points and nothing more. It's why they sound like brainless zombies when they debate.

Jody(1791) Disputed
2 points

into some more socialists who are ready to shit on your idiotic posts.

Most socialists are like you brain dead half wits who spend their lives whining when they’re not sleeping or sponging off others