
Debate Info

Marijuana should be legal. Marijuana should NOT be legal.
Debate Score:448
Total Votes:465
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 Marijuana should be legal. (131)
 Marijuana should NOT be legal. (102)

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winstonb(28) pic

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PD8: Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

Marijuana should be legal.

Side Score: 292
Winning Side!

Marijuana should NOT be legal.

Side Score: 156
11 points

Marijuana should be legal because if it became legal there would be a loss of business for drug dealers. Through the legalization of marijuana, drug dealers will have more competition and lower prices, so drug cartels would lose some, or even all of their business.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
7 points

I agree with this. Also if marijuana were legal, drug trafficking would not be a social problem.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
duques(16) Disputed
1 point

The drug cartels will start selling more dangerous drugs in street corners affecting children even more than marijuana.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
6 points

I agree this could also become a taxed drug, which would benefit our economy.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

the governments saves $8.7 billion a year. Even though there saving money there the cost for the addiction rehabs etc

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
mosimank(16) Clarified
1 point

I agree with this i believe this would help our economy with money and other social economics.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

It would decrease the crime rate among people because less people would be jailed for selling or buying

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
mosimank(16) Clarified
1 point

i agree that the crime rate would be reduced and jail population would decrease as well.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
lefflert(16) Disputed
1 point

If drug dealer don't have their businesses they might turn to a more dangerous line of crime

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
mosimank(16) Disputed
1 point

i dont agree with this i believe they will finally have to find a real job and work.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I support this because less drugs dealers on the streets the less problems on the streets and they run out of business

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
9 points

You may as well legalize Marijuana. People who want it will get it; legally or not. But legalizing it might help people who actually need it!

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
brownt(18) Disputed
2 points

Legalizing it would cause people who wouldn't have ever tried marijuana to use it

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
teagueh(14) Disputed
2 points

They would still find a way to get it even if it was illegal

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

Stops cancer-

"Cancer is known to spread in one’s body by duplicating the gene Id-1. Smoking weed has proven to be helpful in stopping this process altogether and prevents the cancer from spreading throughout your body. Some researchers have found that cannabis contains compounds that can completely kill off all the cancer cells in your body."

Epileptic seizures-

"Marijuana also helps control epileptic seizures, according to a study in 2003, as the THC chemical in this weed helps relax brain cells. It binds itself to the brain cells that help handle excitability and keeps you relaxed."

Helps treat glaucoma-

"Glaucoma is a deadly eye disease that can lead to loss of sight as it increases the pressure in your eyeballs. Marijuana is helpful for those who suffer from glaucoma as it helps lessen this pressure and also helps slow down this disease."

Supporting Evidence: possible cure? (
Side: Marijuana should be legal.
mosimank(16) Clarified
2 points

i agree with this I have personal experience as my mother has had cancer and smoked marijuana and it helped her.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

Marijuana can help with the pain of cancer and any pain that you may feel

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
mosimank(16) Clarified
2 points

i agree people will do anything to get anythignthat they want.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
7 points

Marijuana is less harmful then any other drug that is used. Like cigarettes, it damages your lungs. Marijuana would do a little damage, but would not cause lung cancer. Drinking is bad as well. Drinking is worse than anything, but people still drink knowing that it does harm them. Marijuana should be legalized.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
5 points

weed is a lot less harmful than a lot of the other drugs that are legal.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
aguirrev(12) Disputed
1 point

I don't believe that is right, 52% of all drug arrests in 2010 were for Marijuana.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
Wetterm(12) Disputed
0 points

it can cause bronchitis also periodontal diseases it harmful just like other drugs and alcohol

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
3 points

I agree because there isn't any reports of anyone dying because of weed. Alcohol and cigarettes have killed millions of people, marijuana has killed none.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

I agree that marijuana is in fact less dangerous that alcohol and alcohol is legal while marijuana is not

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

I agree as weed is less harmful than mostly every drug out on the market

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
mosimank(16) Clarified
1 point

i agree weed does do more helpfel things for a persons body than any other drug.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
7 points

Yes it should be legal because of safety control reasons. People could be buying from sellers who are lacing the marijuana without the buyer knowing which can be dangerous. If there were businesses there wouldn't be as much worry.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
5 points

This is true. Also, some people can get killed or robbed during drug deals.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

That is true. Its very common for drug dealers to lace marijuana with other drugs, specifically meth.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

You can make money from selling drugs but you can also get hurt as well

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
7 points

Marijuana should be legal because there would be less money to support organized crime. The legalization for recreational weed will cut off a revenue stream for illegal drug traders.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

Marijuana is one of the biggest sources of income for drug dealers, taking some of their money away would help to stop them.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

This is right. Crime rate would most likely go down if marijuana became legal.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
6 points

Marijuana should be legal because it medically benefits cancer patients. A lot of cancer patients who use marijuana are the cancer patients that are undergoing chemotherapy.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
5 points

Marijuana has helped with nausea, appetite, and with pain while going through chemotherapy

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I agree, because if we didn't have marijuana many people would be suffering with medical issues.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
6 points

Marijuana should be legalized because it will add guidelines and safety precautions for the drug.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
Zaragozag(12) Disputed
2 points

If the drug is legalized and limited people will still use more or want more so this would create a market for drug dealers again

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
5 points

The legalization of marijuana would create an insane amount of income for the government. the amount of tax we would get would help us get out of debt, feed the hungry, and build the wall.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

This is true. The federal legalization of marijuana would offer a large new revenue for the government.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

I definitely agree with all the added income we can get that wall up in no time!!

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
5 points

Marijuana has helped many people who are having medical issues such as epilepsy,cancer, and PTSD.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

Marajuana would also allow for medical treatment for MS (Multiple Sclerosis)and Chron's disease.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

i agree it can also help with opiod overdose deaths even though it the gateway drug

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
5 points

Marijuana should be legal because there would be a wider access for medical use. The use of marijuana for medical use would be helpful because more people will be free to use the drug for its believed health benefits.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

marijuana can be used to treat many conditions, such as seizures, Alzheimer's, and chronic pains.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
5 points

Marijuana would help many people who are in pain everyday. Legalizing marijuana would be great for people who suffer from illnesses.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
6 points

It would also help with Chron's disease, PTSD, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and many more.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

my mom has MS and there has not been anything legalized to cure it and if smoking some leaves can stop the seizures, then i am all for a cure!

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
huffmanh(12) Clarified
3 points

i agree i think pot would have a good effect on people who are hurting everyday

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
Wetterm(12) Disputed
1 point

even though it can be a good medication the overuse can cause problems

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
5 points

marijuana makes people more creative. It helps get your creative juices flowing.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
aguirrev(12) Disputed
1 point

Even though, marijuana increases creativity it can cause danger to those who take marijuana and use it for criminal rights.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
velezd(12) Disputed
1 point

Not people I personally know. They smoke weed and it does the opposite.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
atchisond(14) Disputed
0 points

i agree with you x.x but too much can cause bad trips which can lead to more serious problems such as addiction and dependence

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
4 points

The medical use of marijuana is outstanding and people try to argue that is has many bad affects on the body, but many people still drink and smoke which both are completely legal and do far more harm to your body than marijuana could ever do

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

Marijuana, through research, is showing some promise in treating illnesses and helping people cope with pain. If people actually need it you may as well not make it harder for them. Why make them suffer?

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

I agree with this. Just like the video we just watched (WEED), it helped a girl who had a severe form of epilepsy, it could help many other patients.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
brownt(18) Disputed
0 points

You'd also be making it easier for addicts to get it. You'd fuel addictions

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
teagueh(14) Disputed
1 point

Legalising marijuana will help people will illnesses or some kind of pain

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

Marijuana should be legal because there would be a boost in revenue. The government would look for creative ways to boost income for projects.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

It helps to cure cancers and people that have other diseases also helps people that are in pain

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

I agree that its medical effects have the potential to save other peoples lives.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

lots of people suffer from cancer so this is a good way to help them get the pain relief they need

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

you can get liver disease from marijuana. who want to live with that.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
velezd(12) Disputed
1 point

How many people have gotten liver disease from weed? Haven't seen any statistics that directly point to marijuana as the main cause.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
2 points

Weed is far less harmful than any other drug as most other drugs can lead to death from the drug itself while marijuana has not been linked to many if not any deaths at all

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

Marijuana should be legal. since it is a very popular drug that no matter how many times people will try to stop it from being consume it will always be consume by people. their is really no point in using a lot of money to stop it. all that money just goes to waist. instead money should be given to businesses that research it so it can be used as a medical drug to help patients with their problems.

Supporting Evidence: how it can help (
Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I agree with all the money going to criminals it would be much better in the hands of our government

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

marijuana helps relieve anxiety. Some people have severe anxiety and marijuana helps relieve it.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
potterupshaw(14) Disputed
2 points

Although marijuana can relieve anxiety, it can also cause it. Along with having a chance of causing paranoia and psychosis.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
2 points

Marijuana can protect against opoid overdoses deaths. Marijuana is the gateway drug.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
nolens2(12) Disputed
2 points

isn't that the opposite cause it is bad and this should be on the why it should not be legal side.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
potterupshaw(14) Disputed
2 points

If you're saying that marijuana is a gateway drug, then that would be a reason why it shouldn't be legal. Marijuana being a gateway drug could lead to the usage of other drugs that are much more harmful and damaging to the body physically and mentally.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
huffmanh(12) Disputed
1 point

Marijuana helps people. I think if your gonna use anything you need to have self control and know when enough is enough.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

weed can be used to help people with anorexia, as this drug increases appetite and could be used to help people gain weight.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

this is true because it does help with appetite and it makes people get the munchies

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

Marijuana can be used as medication for pain. Also the government saves $8.7 billion a year.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

I agree I think it will help a lot of people that need it!

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
lefflert(16) Disputed
2 points

This could also lead to a dependence on the drug which could cause problems later on if they do not have access to the drug.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
ellingtonc(17) Disputed
1 point

what if you want no pain, but also dont wanna be stoned. some people dont like the feeling of it.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
2 points

Marijuana should be legal because it will provide the police more resources to go after More serious crimes like crimes involving violence, or serious drugs.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

There is a lot worse things going on right now police should be worrying about that and not people using marijuana

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

By legalizing marijuana the criminal justice system will become more efficient thus saving money from imprisoning people unfairly by just possessing marijuana(people getting 20 years+ just for possession).

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

we would save a lot of room in our jails not arresting people for using marijuana or having it on them

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
ellingtonc(17) Disputed
1 point

Regardless of legalizing it, people would still sell it "illegally" in the streets and stuff.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

The legalization of marijuana will support the use of hemp bringing on more revenue and the use of new products and materials.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
Zaragozag(12) Disputed
1 point

The legalization of marijuana would do nothing to the hemp market as hemp and marijuana are two different things and one is legal while one is legal and the other is a category one drug

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legal because there will be less money that goes towards organized crime. A lot of Organized crime would lose a lot of because of the added competition and lower prices.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legal because there would be more effective criminal justice and law enforcement. The legalization of marijuana would provide police officers more money and time to to go after criminals committing other crimes.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

marijuana should be legalized because it safer than most medical pharmaceutics. In addition you can reduce the risk of lung damage by instead of smoking you can consume it using edibles.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Legalizing marijuana would help people medically and mentaly

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
massor(8) Disputed
0 points

The use of medical marijuana is already legal but recreational is a whole different topic with a lot of negatives

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana is not as addictive as other drugs ot alcohol. Marijuana should be legal. It is also rare to overdose on marijuana.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
massor(8) Disputed
0 points

But it is still addictive and shouldn't be legal if it is harmful to anyone.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana helps people with medical problems such as arthritis and cancer.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
cloudk(13) Disputed
1 point

Marijuana leads to other hard drugs, such as cocaine meth pills etc.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

it can be used to treat more than physical and sychologiical problems, it can also build slef esteem and confidence

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I'm no friend to marijuana. I've never used it, don't like the smell of it, and generally don't like the subculture around it. But with that said, the persecution of this fairly minor activity messes up too many lives and wastes too many of society's resources.

Ultimately it is no worse to society than alcohol consumption, and I'm not in favor of banning alcohol either.

But hold people accountable for impairment and disruption. If you are caught driving a car high it should be punished just like driving one drunk.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I believe marijuna should be legalized it can help many people with illnesses and bring crime rate down.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

when you smoke marijuana you can not over dose like you can on other drugs.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I support this. nobody has ever "overdosed" from weed, just smoked a lot.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legal because it treats migraines. With marijuana it will decreased the amount of headaches people have.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legal because it help with authorities.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legal simply because of its medical reasons. Enough said there.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legal because it would reduce the amount of prisoners. prisons would be less full and police teams that hunt down drugs can focus more on the harmful drugs, like heroin or meth.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I agree, it will save officers time from arresting people for small amounts of marijuana, therefore allowing the officers to stay on the streets to catch burglars, dealers, and many other people doing harm.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.

Marijuana should be legalized because it can reduce "settling things" in the streets related to drug disputes. If someone pulls something over on you in a drug exchange, you of course cannot go to the police or get a lawyer to help you. Instead, people have to handle it themselves, leading to an endless cycle of crime and violence in the streets.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I very much agree with this. it gives the streets and gangs to talk to each other some what and have face to face

Side: Marijuana should be legal.

Weed should be legalized to express personal freedom. Of course there are a few negative sides to marijuana, but everyone should have a right to want to use it or not based on their morals, decisions, and beliefs.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
farringtonc(12) Disputed
1 point

but with legalizing marijuana with the wrong with people that don't know how to act

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legal because the oil in cannabis literally has saved people's lives. Children who have seizures are calmed by the oil and men with parkinson's side effects are subdued due to the oil.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
cloudk(13) Disputed
1 point

i agree because there are tons of videos online that show this. the drugs give them a lot of harmful side effects and the oil stops them

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

I feel that weed has also killed people as well as it has helped them and these cases are rare.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
farringtonc(12) Disputed
1 point

it's harms more people then help. more people use it for the wrong doing then good

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

marijuana should be legal because it helps the government to save billions of dollars.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
cloudk(13) Disputed
1 point

but it leads to many more dollars being spent when people do other hard drugs.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Yes, it can save a lot of money because it gives law enforcement more time to focus on more important things

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I agree, it helps save money by not having to pay to put so many people into jail/prison for nonviolent crimes and carrying small amounts of weed.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legalized because if it's used to cure patients why take it away? If a doctor gave a patient pills and it didn't work but marijuana did who's stay say it shouldn't be legalized.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.

it should be a right of citizenship .my body, my choice .even if it is considered a bad choice by some ,it is my decision .

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legalized because if gives some people the chance to release stress and go on about life. With smoking marijuana it doesn't harm you as bad as other drugs

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legalized solemnly due to the fact that it will reduce the amount of people in jail for nonviolent crimes. We will not have such a big of an issue of crowding in prisons and jails. Also, the amount of money and time that is put into arresting a person with small amount of marijuana on them has cost more than 3.6 billion dollars and it can take many officer to arrest and book a suspect. However, now that marijuana is legal in a few states, people are still getting arrested for possession. Their circumstances may differ, before, anyone with the smallest amount of marijuana on them could have been arrested. Now, people who are being arrested are who are surpassing the legal limit to carry on them which may be lead to believe that their intent is to sale. Overall, arresting people for carrying around small amounts of marijuana is time consuming for everybody, especially cops which is keeping them off the streets and from stopping a drunk driver or chasing a burglar, it is also very expensive to throw them into jail.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
8 points

Marijuana should not be legal because of it is a proven gateway drug that can lead to the use of even more dangerous drugs.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
3 points

most heroin and cocaine addicts claimed to have started with weed

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Everyone on this side has said it: Marijuana is a gateway drug.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Many reports say that marijuana can be a gateway to more addictive drugs

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
mosimank(16) Clarified
1 point

i agree but any drug can be a gate away drug not just marijuana.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.

I agree, whereas most people who use far more dangerous drugs started off smoking weed.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
mosimank(16) Clarified
1 point

i agree people have tried weed before other drugs but its been vise vera as well.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
mosimank(16) Clarified
1 point

i agree many people can be addicted to far more dangrous drugs .

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

If marijuana was not able to be used in every state then there wouldn't be any problems of people starting off with the drug marijuana.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

it usually ends up with the user moving to xanax, which then moves on to other hardcore drugs

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
mosimank(16) Disputed
1 point

i have to disagree first off this makes no sence and anyone can start off with any drug and become addicted

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
velezd(12) Disputed
1 point

I know people who have used weed for years, and haven't moved on to xanax or any other drugs.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Get addicted

"Since this is a recreational drug, most marijuana users tend to become addicted to it. Around 9 per cent of those who smoke marijuana get addicted to this substance."

Supporting Evidence: addiction! (
Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
teagueh(14) Disputed
1 point

Marijuana is not as addicive as other drugs and its rare to overdose on it as well

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
mosimank(16) Disputed
1 point

I believe marijuana has helped many people with illness just like the little girl in the video.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.

I find it strange that there have been so many new accounts for this debate.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
2 points

you dont even go here.................................................

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
massor(8) Disputed
2 points

I find it strange that you're in our class discussion. But is ok you can stay

Side: Marijuana should be legal.

I'd find that worth believing, but it is too fast moving and then there's the random usernames.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
mauckc(12) Clarified
1 point

do you even go here????? this is a class discussion lol?!

Side: Marijuana should be legal.

Well, it resembles more of a /b/ thread than a classroom discussion, at least while it was going on.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
4 points

Marijuana could be a gateway drug. For some people, the high of marijuana is not "good enough" anymore, so they move onto higher category drugs.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Get addicted

"Since this is a recreational drug, most marijuana users tend to become addicted to it. Around 9 per cent of those who smoke marijuana get addicted to this substance."

Supporting Evidence: is addictive! (
Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
huffmanh(12) Disputed
1 point

I think people need to have more self control and not be so addicted

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
lefflert(16) Disputed
1 point

Not everyone gets addicted and can have self control and be safe

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

this is why people get depression cause they cant reach the high they got

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
4 points

Altered perception is a big issue. People who may drive after smoking could lead to more accidents.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

I agree that carr accident might increase by stoned driving.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Accedents are more likly to happen to first time users of this drug or any drug

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
aguirrev(12) Clarified
1 point

Car accidents happen everywhere but with marijuana it will increase more accidents on the road. People who are high over marijuana will increase are careless, given that they will be reckless on the road.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
teagueh(14) Disputed
1 point

In the video people who have been useing marijuana for a long time as a medical drug dont drug reckless

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana can impair reaction time, which is bad for driving.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
massor(8) Clarified
1 point

I agree withthe slowed reactin times and altered perception of reality it would be unsafe to drive

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

Marijuana should not be legal because by your early 20s your brain is affected . That's why usually why the 21 is the age limit . ( usnews)

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
Zaragozag(12) Disputed
4 points

The effects of marijuana on the brain are both miniscule and temporary

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
potterupshaw(14) Disputed
1 point

As we saw in the video, though it has not been proven, smoking marijuana has seemed to help patients who's brains were "broken".

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

this drug should not be legalized for safety reasons. this drug causes impaired judgement so this could lead to potential danger.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
weimand(11) Disputed
3 points

The danger is true, but if it were legalized they would need to create guidelines for the drug to reduce the problems it causes.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

i agree this can cause kids dropping out of school, depression.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Increases Depression

"Pot can often cause depression and make you more low and sad about life that causing a high. It is not known as yet whether people smoke because they are depressed or do they become sad after having marijuana."

Supporting Evidence: increases depression (
Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

It is true that is you have a negative effect with marijuana you will be more low and paranoid about what is going around them.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
nolens2(12) Disputed
1 point

the drug can relive anxiety and it can help with glaucoma so i am against this statement

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
velezd(12) Disputed
1 point

Like Daniel said, guidelines would be made for it like a legal limit to operate motor vehicles, just like alcohol.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

By the late 30 you are at greater risk of bronchitis periodontal disease. But also the marijuana is safe for medication for treating diseases or illness. (Very well)

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
nolens2(12) Disputed
1 point

this should be on the positive side because it you are saying it is safe to use not harmful

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
potterupshaw(14) Disputed
1 point

If you're saying that marijuana is safe for medication for treating diseases or illness, that should be a reason for marijuana to be legalized. If it is safe for medication for treating diseases or illness, then it should be legalized so that everyone with this deficiencies have access to be cured.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
ellingtonc(17) Disputed
1 point

i dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think so

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

although it is rare to become addicted to marijuana, it can still happen, and as your tolerance goes up you don't get the same high, that's why it's considered to be a "gateway drug" and can lead to more serious drugs that can cause serious problems

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
3 points

Smoking anything can harm your lungs this includes marijuana.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
2 points

by the late 30 you are at greater risk of bronchitis. Also you could have periodontal disease

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
mauckc(12) Disputed
1 point

Undoes the effects of tobacco

"A 2012 study revealed that weed may help reverse the carcinogenic effects of tobacco as it helps improve lung capacity. Many researchers believe that this effect is due to the deep breaths that people take before inhaling marijuana."

Supporting Evidence: does it? (
Side: Marijuana should be legal.
ellingtonc(17) Disputed
1 point

i dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think soi dont think so

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

You could get lung cancer or some other type of illness from smoking

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
duques(16) Disputed
1 point

You can get high and still get its medical effect by consumption and not inhaling. So you dont have to smoke but you can eat.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

If marijuana was not able for people to get it then there wouldn't be any medical issues under the influence of marijuana.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
aguirrev(12) Disputed
1 point

Smoking anything can harm your lungs BUT with the use of Marijuana it increases the amount of the lungs on being damage.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

smoking blunts* smoking blunts still contains tobacco so therefore those who smoke blunts are not completely tobacco free.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
3 points

Marijuana can cause minor changes of thoughts and actions but not drastically, it is more of a euphoria than anything

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
3 points

Marijuana should not be legal because it has harmful affects on young adult. it could make them addicted to it.

Supporting Evidence: cons (
Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
atchisond(14) Disputed
1 point

even once its legal, it's still illegal for "young adults" because you have to be 21 years of age to get it, and if they get it from someone else that's just as illegal, if not more illegal than giving alcohol to a minor.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
huffmanh(12) Disputed
1 point

it has a lot more positive effects than negative effects ! Like helping people in pain and so many more positives

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

You can have temporary loss of thoughts but they can be remembered after the high and you won't really forget what happened

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
3 points

People with no past experience in marijuana can have negative effects and be dangerous while driving.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

New users of any drug will have problems but yes this can be true

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
huffmanh(12) Disputed
1 point

So dont drive while high if your a beginner. wait till you have more experience

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

this drug may have been proven to help with anxiety, but is proven to cause paranoid and anxious

"Smoking weed has shown to affect that part of your brain that regulates fear. It affects this part negatively and thus you may experience several panic attacks and may suffer from severe anxiety and fear after smoking weed. Cannabis in fact is known to make people more paranoid and anxious."

Supporting Evidence: causes anxiety and other symptoms (
Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
3 points

Marijuana should not be legal because people could become dependent on the drug.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
Wetterm(12) Disputed
1 point

Even though it shouldn't be used if it used properly like for medication.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
nolens2(12) Disputed
1 point

some people have to depend on the drug cause they have a disease that they need it to stay alive

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

Marijuana should not be legalized because it is considered a gateway drug and could lead to people getting into other more dangerous drugs.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
Zaragozag(12) Disputed
3 points

There is no link between the use of marijuana and heavier drugs, the more common gateway drug which actually has been linked could be something along the lines of ecstasy or Xanax

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I agree. It has basically been my entire argument against it. Its a gateway drug.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
2 points

Marijuana can impair learning ability and general functions. It is for this reason that it might not be the best idea to let everyone have it.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
atchisond(14) Disputed
1 point

when legalized you still have to be 21, at that point in life your mature enough to know what's the right amount for you :)

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
Wetterm(12) Disputed
1 point

If you monitor it right you can use it and not overusing it. Because you can use it ass medication for pain or cancer

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

As this is true it has different effects on different people and people can use it and still function as good or better than someone who isn't high

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
brownt(18) Disputed
1 point

It can also soothe the side effects of many illnesses. I hate arguing with myself.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

Marijuana is a gateway drug. So it is possible that if everyone can have marijuana, then everyone could move on to more hardcore drugs. Then you go from everyone on marijuana to everyone on meth, heroin, cocaine, etc.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
2 points

you can have severe depression if you use this drug. after you use it all you feel depressed cause you want that high again

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

This is true Marijuana is a depressant drug which can explain why people often get depression from using this drug

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should not be legal because it alters peoples perception. Marijuana users experience a high that alters the way people perceive things while under the influence.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should not be legal because of peoples brain health. One study suggest the vessels of the brain of a user can restrict blood flow even after a ling period of time after using.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
lefflert(16) Disputed
1 point

There are plenty of other things people do daily that can harm brain health.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Science has shown that Marajuana has 50-70% more carcinogens in the smoke than there are in cigarette smoke.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
weimand(11) Disputed
1 point

However if it were legalized there would be guidelines to limit how bad it is.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Smoking marijuana daily increases the risk of having respiratory illnesses in the future

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should not be legal because of the way it affects the users lungs. Marijuana is estimated to have high of carcinogens that are almost double the amount found in tobacco.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

2nd hand smoking is still dangerous, and you can still get high off second hand smoke around weed, if it's legal then parents could still smoke around children accidently getting them stoned

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

this is right, people can get contact high and that wouldnt be good

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana can lead to people driving while their high, which can lead to more car accidents.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
atchisond(14) Disputed
1 point

like alcohol, there would eventually be laws to limit this from happening

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

car accident's are the leading cause of death in youth in todays world.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Smoking pot could lead to having memory loss and forgetting things

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

some people smoke weed in tobacco which is not the best for you

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

tobacco and weed are in the same category and can ruin and hurt your lungs.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should not be legal because of the risk of second smoke. Public places could expose innocent patrons to smoke.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

i believe marijuana should not be legalized because it can lead to an addiction just like anything else

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
mosimank(16) Clarified
1 point

I agree with this addiction can be anything so you can be addicted to weed just like anythign else.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.

Here is the end all argument.... People smoke marijuana to get high. And to get high means to alter your perception of reality. And people with an altered perception of reality should not be allowed to drive. We have enough people under the influence of alcohol on the roads without adding more impaired drivers.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
cloudk(13) Disputed
1 point

Marijuana is better than other drugs like cocaine, meth, etc. Using marijuana just makes you relaxed rather than physically impaired.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should not be legal because it can lead to children.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
cloudk(13) Disputed
1 point

marijuana is a downer and "leading to children" isn't logical.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should not be legal because it increases memory loss.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Weed should be illegal because as messed up as it seems, drug dealers make a living off of it. So if weed becomes legal, dealers would lose out on a lot of money and poverty rate would rise.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Weed should be illegal because it is the most abused drug in the united states

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.

Marijuana is a common known gateway drug. Many people who start off smoking weed are led to want to try other drugs, possibly to continue to experience the high they first felt when they smoked weed for their first time.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.

If you're not careful, it could fall into the hands of a child. 9 times out of 10, when you are high you're not thinking about safety of others or even safety for yourself. If your lackadaisical and leave the marijuana around, a child could get a hold of it, and who knows what would happen.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
massor(8) Disputed
1 point

The same could be said for alcohol and thats still legal the only real reason marijuana isnt legal is because the government cant effectively

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

tobacco smoke is just as bad as the smoke in marijuana and it can harm your lungs.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
massor(8) Disputed
1 point

Smoking is not the only way recreational marijuana may be used there is other things such as edibles either way if it is as dangerous than tobacco should also be banned

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Weed can lead to many more harmful drugs and it is a proven gateway drug.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should not be legalized because some people don't know to act when it's in their bodies and cant control themselves.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
zapatai(6) Disputed
1 point

if anything, smoking marijuana can lead to paranoia and short-term memory loss which many people experience in their everyday lives without the use of marijuana

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

weed can lead too many horrible things and you can get addicted easily

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should not be legal because the smoke is just as dangerous cigarette smoke and can cause harm to the lungs.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Marijuana is a proven gateway drug that leads to harmful and more addictive drugs

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

If marijuana were legalized, new users would not be restricted to only adults, just like alcohol and tobacco, the youth will be able to get their hands on marijuana just as easily as other substances that impair their thinking and post risk to their health.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.
1 point

Early exposure to cannabis in adolescents decreases the reactivity of brain dopamine reward centers later in adulthood, making them vulnerable to addiction of other substances.

Side: Marijuana should NOT be legal.