
Debate Info

I knew it. Herp derp.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:10
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 I knew it. (3)
 Herp derp. (4)

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SitaraDancer(84) pic

President Trump: I am a nationalist, and proud of it!

I knew it.

Side Score: 3

Herp derp.

Side Score: 4
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0 points

Trump is a national socialist, which means he's a capitalist marxist monarchical fascist with a democratic republic.

Side: Herp derp.

I am confused by all these words........................................................................................................................

Side: Herp derp.
EvilNom(146) Disputed
0 points

I am confused by all these words

Then everything has transpired as I intended.

Side: I knew it.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Thought you Leftist liked Socialist ? Is that not true ??????????

Side: I knew it.
EvilNom(146) Disputed
1 point

Thought you Leftist liked Socialist ? Is that not true ??????????

What does "left" mean in your view?

Side: Herp derp.