
Debate Info

Aluminum Wood
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:18
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 Aluminum (4)
 Wood (8)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Protecting your home..., Aluminum or Wooden baseball bat?


If someone breaks into your home, do you go for the aluminum or the wodden baseball bat?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 10
2 points

Makes that nice 'ping' sound...almost like an "Everything is fine" alarm.

Side: Aluminum

But how about that sweet CRACK sound from a wooden bat ;-)

Side: Aluminum
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

But then you'd have a broken bat....

Side: Wood

Much more durable and ping sound is cool.---------------------

Side: Aluminum

How about a golf club? Would you consider a golf club? ;-)

Side: Aluminum
2 points

I would have to say wood...and while I love the sound of an aluminum bat crushing skull (oh, from the movies) and it is easier to clean (no stray bone fragments), the wodden bat (broken or not) can be durned to dispose of the evidence.

Side: Wood

I'm old fashioned. I go for the wood ;)

Side: Wood
1 point

I would go wooden bat because wood is really hard and can hurt the person really bad. Plus I would hit the person on the head and knock them out and call the police.

Side: Wood
1 point

Great question! The Aluminum is new and all the rage but since i'm an old fashioned guy and like to here a big clunk when i'm bashing in the heads of those dumb babys

Side: Wood
1 point

Wood is awesome when thick. I mean there are cases called 'blunt trauma' specifically for these weapons :)

Side: Wood