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True False
Debate Score:36
Total Votes:40
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 True (6)
 False (29)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Putin Warns Isis – Obama Warns School District about Girls Shower Room

What we have essentially is a world where ISIS kills and beheads Christians and others followed by enough aborted babies to start a new country and a world on the verge of World War Three. Safely tucked into the lavish environs of the White House we have a president who is concerned with what takes place in a girls’ shower room.We have seen our president follow the yellow brick road of progressivism to this day, while the world is at the brink of Armageddon, Barack Obama’s mind is on a girls shower room.

What we have is a POTUS who is seriously misguided and a joke on the world stage !


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 30
1 point

This OP and the article linked to it are simply making the point that while Obama threatens errant school officials. Putin threatens ISIS and gains power in the Middle East. There is a clear ring of truth in this observation.

Side observation: This is a glaring example of why the DOE should be eliminated. The federal government takes revenue from the states, then threatens not to give it back if we don't follow their demands. WHAT?

Side: True
1 point

Shit. If only a president could think about more than one issue at a time.

Side: False
0 points

"One boy who thinks he is a girl wants to play on girls’ teams, be allowed into the girls’ locker rooms and shower with the girls, is not satisfied with the broad accommodations the school district has already made."

This statement is false. I don't trust anything else the person says. The transgender individual was perfectly happy with the accommodations made by the school. She did not have any problem with the locker room situation. The department of unintelligence stepped in for no reason.

Side: False
2 points

We can test if a teenage boy is transgender by letting him into the girls locker room. If he gets a stiffy, he's not transgender.

Side: False
Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

A) That has nothing to do with my argument.

B) You only found out that she is not a transsexual.

Side: True
instig8or(3308) Disputed
0 points

There are almost 10 things wrong with that test from a logical standpoint in that you could get false transgender results in countless ways.

Side: True