
Debate Info

Debate Score:114
Total Votes:125
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This is the Fourteenth in an ongoing series of spotlight debates.  The purpose of the debate is to "roast" the user (and when I say "roast", I mean in a nice way).  Please share all the good, humorous, and otherwise positive aspects about this important user of our community.  Don't worry, I will be creating one of these every few days so your name may show up next!


Srom's Profile -


Thirteenth in the series - JakeJ -


Fifteenth in the series - ChuckHades -

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5 points

Srom's funny, I get a good laugh from the plagiarism and general naivety, although I sense, sometimes, an air of frustration in him like he's battling with his beliefs.

Seems like a good kid overall, and does not deserve the treatment that a few have given him.

Perhaps I can enlist your rational and third party objectivity, here. Srom seems to feel I'm abusing him with my criticism on this debate, giving him treatment he doesn't deserve, as you put it, but I feel I'm just pointing out the facts. Your thoughts?

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
2 points

I don't think what you said was abusing him, I was referring to those that set up debates simply to put him down, like the petition to get him kicked off, or those that set off on a torrent of abuse for no apparent reason.

In debates srom courts a lot of the controversy that befalls him.

In this debate I didn't see anything that you said that wasn't true and I wouldn't class it as abuse.

4 points

Srom is a reason I keep coming back.

Even though he seems batshit crazy, he's one of the people I enjoy most on here.

Although I'm harsh as heck, I do enjoy his presence here, in the long term. He adds flair to the site and simply has a strong, albeit crazy personality. It gives the entire website as a whole a flavor and personality.

A truly marvelous spoon for stirring the pot.

1 point

Really? You comeback just to argue with me? Fun. :D

I know I forgive you and I am sorry if I offended you at some points and yes I often sir the whole place around because of what I say but I think I need to improve on somethings like debating better.

3 points

He's 15 and a devout Christian.

Whatevs, yo. I don't pay much attention to all the hubbub.

Clearly he's wrong most of the time, but that's why I ignore him.

What's good about this site is that hopefully he'll eventually learn the error of his ways. Or find better ways to defend his Christian beliefs.

1 point

Thanks Pyg, but we do talk a lot on the ps3 but we never have debated on here or you have with me, but that's fine.

3 points

Srom seems like a nice person, who tries to live his understanding of a good life and help those within it. We may fundamentally disagree on certain things, but that doesn't stop me respecting certain aspects of him. The fact that he has tolerated so much bullshit, without becoming overly hateful towards those who are, quite frankly, dicks to him, makes me respect him even more.

Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point

This isn't exactly true though.

He does still maintain the stance that those who don't agree with him will suffer in hell for all of eternity, and as for the nice person part, I don't think that pretending to accept someone's opposing beliefs or opinions with that grudging "But you'll burn for it" sigh is the same as actually being nice. He does not yell or swear or insult others often, but I do not see anything nice about pretending you are a kind, accepting person when in reality, you feel that anyone who disagrees with you will be tortured by his god after they die.

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
1 point

I do not see anything nice about pretending you are a kind, accepting person when in reality, you feel that anyone who disagrees with you will be tortured by his god after they die.

This is, in my opinion the greatest central contradiction of Christianity.

Srom1883 is young, who is a Christian, and there is nothing wrong with believing in a set of principles. Although he maybe misguided at times, he means no harm.

3 points

Srom is one of the users that comes to mind first when I think of active users. I personally like Srom, he's amusing, and naive, but he's young. And he stands by his beliefs no matter what people throw at him.

I'm still not happy about him plagiarizing though. I was disappointed, and I don't believe that the other accounts he claims he knows these people aren't him. But like I said, he is young and naive. And if nothing else, he brings a good laugh to CD.

1 point

Thank you Saur! :D You are one of the users that come to my mind as well when I think of active users.

I am sorry if I wasn't trustworthy to you or I did something wrong or rude in the past or you just didn't trust me.

I thank you for actually saying something nice and yes sometimes I give people laughs but really I should get along with everyone here including you.

2 points

I like Srom, he's a Christian which he gets a lot of flak for, he's been accused of having fake accounts which he denies but if he does I dont really care about that but he sticks it out and keeps coming back which says a lot for his powers of perserverance,

1 point

Thank you Ashman I also like you too!(friend way) you are nice and very good at debating I just need to improve that is all.

Srom is dishonest, misguided, and cowardly. His actions on the site are deserving of neither respect or attention. I see him as that lunatic preacher on the side of the street that you just drive past without giving notice.

Srom(12206) Disputed
1 point

Your suppose to say something roast me in nice way and that wasn't nice.

It was rather insulting what you just said made feel like I am unwelcome here and you just want me to leave. Thanks a lot dude you really helped a lot.

I would like to welcomed not unwelcome. Thanks for putting my hopes down.

1 point

It was rather insulting what you just said made feel like I am unwelcome

You get back what you put in.

Seriously, you're acting like you've done nothing to deserve any of this frank, open, and true criticism. You ARE dishonest, and if people pointing out your dishonesty makes you feel unwelcome, maybe you should stop being dishonest instead of whining about how people are pointing out your flaws.

1 point

Your suppose to say something roast me in nice way and that wasn't nice.

Me giving an honest description of you is the nicest thing one can do to another.

It was rather insulting what you just said made feel like I am unwelcome here and you just want me to leave.

I don't care whether you stay or leave. But your actions on the site have earned what they deserve.

2 points

He's is an devoted christian with great arguments I agree with what he says. Over all he is a great debater on this site.

2 points

I get a good kick out of some of the ridiculous stuff he has to say... that is all.

Nothing he, or anyone else for that matter (including me), says has any affect on me so I am unable to rise to the level of emotional response others have reached ;)

2 points

Srom has always been at the forefront of the Christian community on CD. I find it greatly reassuring that there are other Christians on this site and it pleases me to see him in so many religious debates.

We're supposed to keep this roast "nice," so I'll stick to the facts: he's a bigot, a liar, and a loon. He's a bigot as defined by MW: "a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices," he's a liar because he, well, lies, and even when his lies are shown to be lies he sticks to them, and he's a loon because he believes - scratch that - knows a whole lot of very interesting things about the reality we live in, although none of them are actually based in this reality.

I feel that to enjoy the presence of someone like this on CD would be akin to being a bully. I really get no pleasure from Sroms existence on this site other than the satisfaction I get soundly refuting him, which, in and of itself, is about as challenging and as honorable as stealing candy from a baby.

1 point

Your suppose to roast me in a nice way what you said about me being a liar and a loon was not nice and I don't know why your being so negative. What you just said means that I am not welcomed here and I should just leave.

I want to be welcomed here now you just lowered my view on this site and I would like to feel welcomed and not unwelcome.

I knew people like you are going to say negative things about me.

Saurbaby(5581) Disputed
2 points

Actually a roast isn't necessarily something that is praising someone. It's just putting them up on stage to talk about them essentially. It's supposed to be comedic, which these have mostly been.

1 point

He could of said things a lot less nice.


1 point

I'll agree with you that they are negative things, but are they untrue? Seems to me unless you're not a liar, for example, calling you a liar isn't an insult so much as a fact. I'm not telling you to go or stay, I'm just observing some things I've noticed about you. If those things are negative, well, the truth's a bitch, but perhaps you are a negative person.

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
1 point

Your suppose to roast me in a nice way

A roast is by definition a medium for pointing out someone's flaws albeit through poking fun at them.

what you said about me being a liar and a loon was not nice and I don't know why your being so negative.

You need to grow a pair mate, this is debate, if you don't like or agree counter with something.

What you just said means that I am not welcomed here and I should just leave.

I don't get that from his post.

I want to be welcomed here now you just lowered my view on this site and I would like to feel welcomed and not unwelcome.

There are more that are indifferent to your presence than want you gone, I can never understand why anyone would want a member to leave, it's one less voice and that is not good in discourse.

I knew people like you are going to say negative things about me.

Then why get all pissy about it?

I have no idea who this guy is and I have no idea what his picture is supposed to be.

1 point

My picture is suppose to be from Darksiders. Its the video game if you ever heard of it.

1 point

Hmm... Srom's turn, eh?

He's ignorant and stubborn. I do enjoy 'debating' him, contary of what he may think otherwise. Although, I wish he spend some time analyzing his Christian beliefs, rather than just blindly following them. Not to say he should convert to some other religion (or agnosticism/atheism).

1 point

Thanks for all of your words you said. :D I actually have analyzed my beliefs and no I don't follow blindly follow them if you saw me in real life you would know right away I was a Christians and by my actions.

Also me converting to atheism or agnosticism is not going to happen. I am sorry but I am for God and not against him.

Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point

You are for god?

That's not really that wise though, is it?

I mean, if it comes down to God vs Truth, what will you choose?

1 point

Seems like a great guy. Don't particularly care for his religious beliefs, but he doesn't go setting fire to foreign embassies when I tell him that now does he?

Either that...or he's the most skilled troll on teh interwebzz.

1 point

This is true.

Despite continuously mocking his religion, he has remained peaceful, and I respect that.

1 point

Thank you Apollo, I haven't seen you online that often really its good to see you!

1 point

Is that avatar one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse? I always thought that would make a cool video game, like God of War III or whatever number their on.

Srom's less insane than when he first showed up. He might be a less cerebrally gifted Jake J one day.

2 points

Is that avatar one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse?

It's War, main protagonist of the game "Darksiders". It's pretty cool actually.

1 point

Yes the avatar is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse and its based off a game called Darksiders which is like God of War and Zelda mixed that's what a lot of people say. They even made Darksiders 2 and the main character is Death and he looks cool.

Thank you for the things you said about me!

Dang, why do I always turn up to these things late? Not that I had anything meaningful to say, but still.

Srom's really nice, definitely more so than when I first joined. And while he may be illogical, stupid, and naive, don't blame him, blame the people that indoctrinated him into it.

1 point

Thank you Chuck! I appreciate that, yes when I first joined I was a bit rude and filled with rage but now I am starting to be nicer to everyone.

Srom is like a little brother to me. I actually like and admire his strong beliefs to God.

In the past, i didn't like how he was treated. That is why when i debate, i sometimes put a smile at the end, implying im not trying to be rude.

And i would say he is a strong dude for taking in a lot of criticism.

I do think he is wrong in his beliefs. No one knows if God exists or not. It is all about faith.