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 Scientists that dont believe in the Big Bang (15)

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Atrag(5666) pic

Scientists that dont believe in the Big Bang

But aren't Christian. Do they exist?
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1 point

Why don't you go ask some Muslims? How did you come up with such an ignorant question? You made the mistake of acknowledging a person can be a scientist and not believe in the big bang. That's a no-no, you have to correct it and say anybody who does not believe in the big bang is deluded no matter how many PhD's they have earned, no matter how many revolutionary technical advances of applied science they have invented and patented, no matter how their work has contributed to the good of society........

Good job of showing your colors here. Tootles.

Also, you might want to switch to your alter-gender screen name and throw a hissy fit.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

If I say I agree with Cartman will your head explode just like the last guy who said it?

SatintLater(283) Disputed
1 point

well... I prefer the term "everywhere expansion" Where there was no primeval atom, no real singularity. it was just dense. super super dense, and hot and heavy. big bang comes with this idea of one such state, and I'm not sure that's the full case and point.

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

So your answer is no one then?

Saintnow(3684) Disputed Banned
1 point

maybe..though you have to insert a lot of belief in that Crayon passage to say it is teaching big bang, the same thing evolutionary Christians do with Genesis........

The big bang and evolution are designed with one agenda, to deny God rules the world and give power over the world to an elite and small number of rulers. If they take power fast enough, you will be fodder for their dogs and you deserve it because you promoted it.

I have seen many scientists testify to the fact that they rejected belief in the big bang before they became Christians, I'm sure there are others out there. For a secular scientist to reject belief in the big bang or evolution, they have to be prepared to be blackballed and outcast, maybe lose their jobs. Most "scientists" go along with evolution and the big bang for two reasons. First, they don't want God telling them what is right or wrong particularly in their lustful imaginations and actions, and second, it's where the money is.

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Oh and here is a quote “And the heaven We created with might, and indeed We are (its) expander.” (Quran 51:47)

Muslims do believe in the big bang. None of this garden of Eden bullshit.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed Banned
1 point

You don't have the maturity to discuss a topic without profanity? Why are you so angry? This is why I don't bother with you much, and why I promptly ban're bitterness controls you. Go on with your discussion trying to trash Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Enjoy yourself while you can.

cownbueno(407) Disputed
1 point

Damn, you're actually such an ignorant bastard it appalls me. How have you made it this far in life? Please answer. Oh wait, you can't because like you so much enjoy doing, you were banned.

define the big bang? also... Big bang isn't usually the point of contention it's usually descent with modification and the origin of life....yeah....

1 point

Oh sure, even though the traditional BB theory that says the Universe began from an infentesimal and unimaginably energy laden pinpoint some 13.7 BYA is still by far the most popular scenario, there are a couple other posed hypotheses.

And we know that the vast majority of Cosmologists are atheist or agnostic. I'd guess about 90%. So yeah, almost certainly there are non Christian Big Bang doubters in the science arena.

One if the competing theories speaks of Multiple Universes. Or...Multiverses.

Another speaks of an infinite chain of Universes being created and then destroyed. As in a cycle. I personally rather enjoy this idea since most everything in nature is indeed cyclical.

Here is an article from Discovery magazine that elaborates a bit more on those two alternative ideas about how it all began.........

1 point

The Big Bang could have been the way God created things.

Did you ever think about that? Whose to say that the Big Bang isn't a creation argument? It can be also.

You also need to understand that when the Bible talks about God creating things, it's not like they just magically appeared out of thin air and POOF here they are. That's not creation. Creation by God also means that he created evolution. Whether it took 2 billion years, 2 million years, or 10,000 years, an argument can still be made that God created everything. But when you think that Creation means "poof" magic, that's being silly and childish. 6 days of creation and 7th day of rest doesn't mean 24 hour days. It could mean eons, it mean ages. However way you see it, it all started and came from God. Something can't come from nothing. Only God can make something out of nothing.

SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

The Big Bang could have been the way God created things.

Possible, but highly doubtful.

I say this because by all appearances the Universe hardly appears to be an optimally efficient and streamlined creation, that exudes perfect design and no waste. Rather, there is a tremendous amount of empty space and meaningless creation and destruction, such as that of stars and their attendant planets.

Too, the Creationists who think the BB is god's handiwork cannot have it both ways. That is to say, most fundamental Christians do not believe in extra-terrestrial life. They think we and this planet are super special and are the only ones in the Universe. So if that is the case, than why the 200 BILLION galaxies? Each of them with hundreds of billions of stars and planets of their own? Why is the Universe so freaking huge if we are alone? The nearest star to us--besides of course our own sun--is the binary star system of Alpha Proxima/Centauri, which is over Four light-years away! And then to think...there are trillions and trillions of other stars our there.

You also need to understand that when the Bible talks about God creating things, it's not like they just magically appeared out of thin air and POOF here they are.

You are wrong. Biblical Literalists and Genesis believers believe just that sort of nonsense. Like god created woman from a rib out of a man. And that the Earth was made in six days. And he could say "Let there be light" and viola! There was the sun. And Young Earth Creationists like the idiot Ken Hamm are even worse! Believing the Earth is NOT some 4.6 BYO, but rather, a measly 6000. Which in geological terms, IS incredibly recent. It's the equivalent of a couple seconds out of a 24-hour day!

Creation by God also means that he created evolution.

WTF? Says who? Not most Christians, and certainly NO biblical literalists or fundamentalists, or believers in Genesis. Do you not read the daily debates we have here on CD? People like Saintnow and Dadman and Fromwithin, our resident religious zealots, continually deny Evolution, and instead embrace the Genesis fable as true science.

Whether it took 2 billion years, 2 million years, or 10,000 years, an argument can still be made that God created everything.

But what about all of our radiometric dating that shows the Earth is billions and NOT millions or certainly NOT thousands of years old? Creationists have to throw this science out the window. Denying it like little kids with their hands over their ears.

And they really don't even make a good argument for their god. All they have is "It must be so since my bible tells me so!" This is NOT arguing or debating, and it certainly has nothing to do with science. It is denial and circular reasoning.

But when you think that Creation means "poof" magic, that's being silly and childish.

I agree. Creationists and biblical fundies ARE silly and childish. Not in all things, and not as people in general. But when they deny good thorough decades of science and embrace Bronze Age Mythos they are.

However way you see it, it all started and came from God.

Speak for yourself. I don't see it that way at all. Cosmology and Anthropology and my field, Biology, have need for your god. Nothing personal, amigo, but your deity is simply not needed in our equations. So let's leave your god out of our labs and science journals and leave him where he belongs, in the Theology or Mythology section. He also especially needs to stay the fuck our of out school science courses.

Hope this helps.


DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Do you use your supposed genius in the pusshole of Detroit. Maybe you should because you could save your city with all your supposed genius that you claim you have. City of Detroit needs you.

1 point

Scientists that don't believe in the Big Bang ? Well hell how did Democrats come to exist when your momma and daddy were banging uglies.