
Debate Info

Yes STUDents rights. No, too bad!
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Yes STUDents rights. (4)
 No, too bad! (10)

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Gymnast(409) pic

Should STUDents and teachers treat each other the same way?

So a teacher yells at a STUDent, nothing happens. A STUDent yells at a teacher= suspension....Why?!?! STUDents rights!

Yes STUDents rights.

Side Score: 4

No, too bad!

Side Score: 13
1 point

I think yes cause overall it seems like the teachers are bullying the STUDents.

Side: Yes STUDents rights.
2 points

Based on what?

Side: No, too bad!
Gymnast(409) Disputed
1 point

Yelling at students 24/7. Like I have this one teacher who think the whole school community is horrible, and he yells at us all the time in class!

Side: Yes STUDents rights.
flewk(1193) Disputed
1 point

Look up the word "bully".

While you are at it, look up the word "teacher", "student", "classroom", "school" and "education".

Side: No, too bad!
1 point

That's tantamount to suggesting that children should have equal rights to their parents. You can't have two parties trying to exert their authority; the judgement (ideally sound and experienced) of one must always take precedence and in this case it is that of the teacher. Dismantle that hierarchy/boundaries and the level of respect is impaired significantly.

Side: No, too bad!
Gymnast(409) Disputed
1 point

You haven't seen the students point of view yet. There are plenty of kids, even if adults outnumber, and I don't get how adults don't understand, cause they were once kids.

Side: Yes STUDents rights.
1 point

How can you in the same post say that he was once a kid, and also hasn't seen the students point of view?

Side: No, too bad!
1 point

The results from teaching are maximized when there is a level of discipline in the class with the teacher ''persuading'' ( with a stick or a carrot, whichever is the most effective under the prevailing circumstances) all pupils to behave in a manner which is conducive to learning,not only for the individual, but for the class as a whole. Just one disruptive student, trying to impress his/her peers or, for egotistical reasons, trying to assert themselves, can retard the progress of the lesson for the entire class. Such juvenile, selfish and bolshie behaviour cannot be tolerated. Once the tail tries to wag the dog and is permitted to do so, the system either won't work at all, or at best will achieve only a small % of what would have otherwise have been possible.

Side: No, too bad!
1 point

Nothing to add; just support of a well written post.

(Plus some bullshit to get to get to fifty characters.)

Side: No, too bad!