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Debate Score:20
Total Votes:21
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 Pro (9)
 Con (4)

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moha20mmad(9) pic

Should high school students have to complete community service hours to graduate?

Picking up trash might not be the teenager's idea of a fun weekend activity. But, sometimes student are to serve their communities as a graduation requirement. Is it important enough to force the students to work in different fields of community service if they want to graduate? Community service is absolutely necessary and a great way for young adults to learn the concept of civic responsibility. However, should high school students have to complete a limit of hours in order to graduate?


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 8

As you said it does show that the student understands more about responsibility. This also looks good to some colleges.

Side: Pro
1 point

I do completely agree with you but do you think it should be mandatory or choice because that seems to be the only problem I'm having with the idea, that you need to do it to graduate.

Side: Pro
2 points

I agree with this issue because some grown-ups students doesnt know about community services so i think it is better to teach them how to be responsible

Side: Pro
1 point

Community service is more practical than half the things kids are taught in school anyway, so why not?

Side: Pro
moha20mmad(9) Disputed
1 point

AS I think community service is a common sense and should be taught in our homes as parents teach their sons and set a good example for them.

Side: Pro

Well, It is required. At least where I live, it is called the Senior Project. Very creative, I know. But anyways, they have to do some sort of community service that somehow impacts there life. It can be numerous things. Then they have to write a big essay, and give a speech to some board members as well as their fellow classmates, then they can graduate. I think it is a good learning experience.

Side: Pro
2 points

Do they calculate the hours of service or just to make something creative for the community?

Side: Pro
JadynDonovan(244) Clarified
2 points

They have to keep track of their time, so yes. I believe there is a certain hpur requirement. But I am not a senior, so I can't tell you for sure. They made us do a mini one this year (Freshman year) and we had to keep track.

Side: Pro
1 point

Im with this, because they will be more independent so they'll depend on theirselves more.

Side: Pro
4 points

Community service is something very important and vital for everyone. However, I am against the idea of making it compulsory for graduation. It is something that should be done voluntarily and something that should be cultivated and generated from inside us. It does not need to be enforced.

Side: Con
2 points

I agree with you that community service is voluntary not obligatory.

Side: Con
1 point

CAS hours. We already have them if you want to do the IB.

Side: Con

They are minors. Community Service should not be any requirement to graduate.

Side: Con
1 point

Community Service should not be any requirement to graduate.

Why? Because they are minors? Why does that matter? Should people who are not minors be required to complete community service in order to graduate from future schooling?

Side: Pro