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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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Jacobcoolguy(2428) pic

Should the US switch the dollar bill to the dollar coin?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3

I believe we should because it will save the treasury billions of dollars in printing paper. Also, while we're at it, we should take the penny out of circulation since it is a massive waste of money to print.

Side: Yes
1 point

Do away with the penny, the nickel and the dime, the half dollar and dollar coins leaving the quarter as the only coin. If anything is worth less than a quarter, buy two or more at a time. I hate having filthy dirty coins in my pocket. The bills are filthy enough but at least they're in my wallet.

Side: Yes

We shouldn’t. We have money to waste elsewhere than on coins. I think, that we should just keep it the way it is.

Side: No

This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. We'd spend money on coins, which wouldn't save money, metal is harder to come by than paper, and your pockets would be heavier than hell.

Side: No
1 point

The average dollar bill cost about 5.4 cents to print, and only last a few years before it needs to be shredded up, and reprinted. While say if were to make the coin quarter sized, it would cost roughly 9 cents to produce, but last up to 50 years in circulation. Notice how you find coins from the 1960's all the time, but it's rare you'll find a dollar will a series year before 2006.

Side: Yes

Coins are heavy, metal is scarce, it would take too long to decide who's face and what monument/animal should go on the coin. I do support getting rid of the penny and getting rid of the nickel since we spend more making those coins than they're actually worth.

Side: No