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 Strasbourg Terrorist had been on French Terrorist Watch List for 3 Years (3)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Strasbourg Terrorist had been on French Terrorist Watch List for 3 Years

The terrorist who allegedly shouted "Allahu Akbar" during the attack in Strasbourg, France, in which he murdered at least two people and injured 13 others, has been on France’s “S” file terrorist watch list for three years, has served time in prison for armed robbery, and has been convicted 27 times in France, Germany, and Switzerland.

How strange the Leftist do not want to talk about their Loved Muslims !!!!!!!!!!!
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2 points

The French really have a handle on this terrorism thing !

Watch list equals wait until they kill someone and then take action!

2 points

I guess their terror watch list is really a list of those to be left alone to do what they want. This guy had 27 priors, yet was free to do whatever he wanted. Europe is toast.

Pretty useful watch list the French got there.

2 points

Another Islamist killer. Oh well. Oh well. Oh well. Cultural blah blah blah, racist istaphobic yackity yackity yackity yack.

The libs will stare at you for this story outlaw. Get ready for a lot of blinking with bewildered liberal looks....they don't grasp the ideas of individual nations and self defense.