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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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TaeLee(8) pic


hey guys...lets see which one do u all prefer! cuz to me, facebook seems dead alr!


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 5
1 point

i think twitter is more useful and easier to use compared to facebook

Side: twitter
1 point

Twitter is an "in the moment" social network. It is great for breaking news and things happening now.

Side: twitter
1 point

Twitter... Why cuz... HATE FACEBOOK!!!

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: twitter
1 point

twitter is best and reliable for social media marketing. here we can just put link one time a day, its good. as compare to face book people put many wrong things and just like like like pages.

Side: twitter
2 points

Facebook is a "whenever" social network...whenever I post people will see it eventually...and when I get to it, I will post and they will see mine. There is no immediacy to Facebook, but there is longevity to the posts where twitter posts fade quickly.

Side: facebook
1 point

Seeing as I don't have a twitter I'm obviously going to say Facebook. But from what I know, Facebook has more. And the idea of Twitter is mildly creepy to me...

Side: facebook
1 point

You don't really need a facebook or a twitter. What are you going to use it for? I don't have a facebook. I can talk to people at my school and chat with them instead of online. Its a waste of time and also many people are addictied to it.

Side: Don't really need it
1 point

Isn't Twitter basically status updates like on Facebook?

Seeing that Facebook has more to it with instant messaging and private email, wouldn't it be logical to have facebook?

Note: I have never even visited Twitter so correct me if I'm wrong on any of my points.

Side: facebook