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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Did (2)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

The 2 most vile ideologies on Earth came straight out of Left wing Germany


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0
1 point

I agree. One of them tried to kill us, the other was created by a race traitor who tried to end the system us Jews profit from so lucratively.

Side: Did
1 point

The 2 most vile ideologies on Earth came straight out of Left wing Germany

Hello bront:

Metheenks thou dost protest too much...

Clearly, you KNOW the Nazis were right wingers.. You KNOW the fascists were right wingers.. But, you're SOOOOO embarrassed to SHARE a philosophy WITH them, that you try to convince us daily, that you're the polar opposite of them..

Guess what??

Wouldn't it just be easier to join the good guys??


Side: Did
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