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 The Left hates cigarettes & call them cancer sticks, while trying to legalize hard drugs. (15)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

The Left hates cigarettes & call them cancer sticks, while trying to legalize hard drugs.

So lets get the facts straight when it comes to the Left's screwed up priorities concerning cigarettes and hard drugs...

For decades now, the Left has done everything possible to put tobacco companies out of business. They hate the companies, they hate their products, they call their products cancer sticks, and blame them for the people who die from cancer. (not the fault of the person who chose to smoke of course. The Left hates any notion of person accountability for one's choices in life)

Now lets use our brains and see that these cancer sticks take many decades to claim their victims. It most times takes forty years or longer before the onset of cancer.

These same people who so hate cigarettes, are cheer leading the legalization of even hard drugs. Maybe you have listened to the news where some people die from hard drug use the very first time they tried it. Hard drugs are much more dangerous than cigarettes, in the short & long term, yet many on the Left want to legalize it.

What are we missing here? Why is the Left all over the place when it comes to common sense? One would think if they hate cigarettes with such a passion, because it might kill you in 40 years, that they would be terrified of hard drugs becoming legal.

Another thing the Left does to make you fear cigarettes, is to push out false claims of the high cost of healthcare from smoking related illness.

So lets do the numbers....

lets say a person starts smoking at 20 years of age, and dies from cancer at 60. Now if he was working most of those years, and insured, the insurance companies would have bared the brunt of the cost of his health problems.

Ok, so lets use the ludicrous logic of the Left, and calculate the cost for healthcare of a person who never smoked. Lets say he never dies at 60 and lives to be 85 years old. He has now lived off medicare or medicaid, for some 20 years, with the many many age related healthcare costs. We have all heard that the most expensive times of a person's life, is their last few years of life in primary care, old age homes, etc.

So lets use our brains, and see for ourselves if the results of smoking is a higher cost to society. Does the person living for many more years on Government healthcare, cost society much more? I say yes! I suggest that any person who dies in their 60's (from whatever illness) will have saved the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If people want to use the cost of healthcare in their discussion over cigarettes, they should be applauding what cigarettes do to reduce the cost of healthcare on Government. The earlier a person dies will save on the cost of his healthcare.

Just to be clear, I have never smoked or taken drugs, and believe it to be one of the dumbest choices a person could ever make when lighting up that first cigarette, or using that first drug.
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2 points

So what are you more pissed at? The fact that cigarettes cause cancer and there's been a movement to reduce the amount of smokers out there? Or that they are trying to legalize marijuana, which does have proven medical benefits, and you are mistaking that as a hard drug again?

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

I'm most angered by deceptive people such as yourself.

Just for the record, in California where Pot is legal for any reason, a spokesmen involved with the laws of marijuana just estimated that approx. 90% of the pot use is for recreational use, and only 10% are for medical reasons.

But as always, you used pure deception to try and infer that pot legalization is all about medical benefits. Most Americans were fine with medical uses if they truly work, just as most Americans are ok with extreme case abortions.

But what does the Left constantly do? They use these rare cases to justify making it legal for the vast majority of people using the drug for pleasure and the vast majority of abortions for convenience.

I'm fine with shaming smoking because I know shaming irresponsible choices works.

Democrats could not care less about the lives of smokers. They wanted the tax revenue and they are getting it big time. Did you know that in NYC, a pack of cigarettes might cost $13?

"De Blasio announced a package of proposed bills that would, among other things, raise the base price of a pack of cigarettes from $10.50 to $13, making New York home to the costliest cigarettes in the country."

Same with marijuana, there will be huge tax revenues.

I was not speaking to marijuana, but as always, you could not address the actual point of the debate and chose to change the subject.

If you want to continue on in this debate, try addressing the point of the debate.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified Banned
1 point

So you're angry with anyone who doesn't agree with you. Got it.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Dummy tell us about the heroin problem in this country ! Explain yourself you flaming idiot ! Step up ! What you got you brain dead idiot !

Mint_tea(4641) Disputed Banned
1 point

tell us about the heroin problem in this country

It's a problem. Duh. It's also a hard drug and not one I mentioned.

So if someone wants to use the cost of healthcare as their rationale for the good or bad of something, I guess they should be cheer leading cigarettes.

1 point

I love to smoke. Puff, puff, mother er!...................................................................

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Intelligent response...NOT!

Why are you on debate sites? To act like a child with nothing intelligent to say?

Should I add you to my ban list?

SitaraDancer(84) Disputed Banned
1 point

I would say the same thing to you. At least I don't force rape victims to give birth.