
Debate Info

True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:15
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 True. (3)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (3)

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jolie(9809) pic

The quality of the Democrat presidents has been declining for quite some time now.


Side Score: 4

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 5
1 point

Actually I agree. We don't make Presidents like we used to. But that goes for both major parties. There is no modern day Abraham Lincoln coming out of the Republican Party either.

I blame two centuries of having an entrenched two party system. They have such a choke hold monopoly on election processes that it's virtually impossible for anyone other than a filthy rich pseudoindependent candidate to have a chance.

Side: True.
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Abraham Lincoln was an ambulance chaser turned political opportunist who appointed one of the worst people in U.S. history to conduct total war on an American populace whilst suspending habeas corpus and resisting the abolishment of Northern Slavery. Lets be glad the Republican Party isn't making too many more of him.

Side: True.
1 point

lol. Touche. Well Lincoln and Reagan are essentially the standard bearers for good Republican Presidents, and Reagan can be challenged just as easily, so basically all the Republicans have sucked then.

Side: True.
-3 points
1 point

Why does it make you so angry when people hold different opinions?

Oh, and have fun with Trump, who thinks debt is a good thing.

Remember that you, the guy who complains about debt and spending, are about to hire the only presidential candidate that currently believes debt is a good thing.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

You shouldn't post captions created by people who don't actually know Obama is president. He is not "president". That's the kind of mentality that will allow Hillary to become president/"president".

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Eh, one of your weaker attempts. The whole bathroom thing is too transparent.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!