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 The religious problem (99)

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judas(295) pic

The religious problem

Does anyone really believe religion is a good thing anymore?

We're trying to have a civilization here and there is a bunch of crazys blowing people up for allah and speaking in tongues and trying to teach our kids to hate each other. To me that's a problem.

Religion teaches violence and hate. The god of the Bible is a sexist, racist, violent, jealous, tyrant. Religion teaches hate for homosexuals, other races, women, for the infidel, pretty much anyone that is not like the leaders of that church. Mormons teach their kids that black people can go to heaven, but only as servants for white people. Some Muslims teach their kids that killing infidels is their ticket to heaven. Catholics are raping little kids right now and being shuffled around and protected by the church so they can keep on raping little kids.

So we're all trying to have a civilization here and live together, and you religious folks are lying to people, blowing people up and raping little kids. That's the problem.


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yes religion teaches all of these things BUT RELIGION IS A MAN MADE TOOL FOR CONTROL. People who follow religion have NO CLUE they are being deceived and misled, this is the devil the bible talks about, look all around you, the devil is not some evil guy, no he is the cameras watching us on every sreetcorner

he is the cameras watching us on every sreetcorner

And every time I see him I smile..., wave..., and then I frown and give him the finger ;)

hey so do i :D lol

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

dude, all that weird new age bullshit you talk about is just as crazy as religion.

it's worse even =^|

1 point

if anything, im an OLD new ager, new agers today have no clue what they talk about and they think that doing drugs automatically makes you "aware" new age has been around for a long long time, its not "new" at all, but there are alot of phonies around today, and it is sad, it gives the real new agers a bad reputation, i study shamanism, druidism, and ancient knowledge, new agers today.... idk, i havent personally met one, but when i do, ill make sure to shut them down and teach them a lesson

2 points

What about the atheist problem? Like people that start debates like this one.

judas(295) Disputed
1 point

I don't think that's actually a problem here.

I am an agnostic. I'm preaching the gospel of I don't know here.

No one knows, and no one respects that which walks the fence. Pick a side and boldly sin.

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

Praise be to Bill Maher. Lol Religulous is a great movie. Makin religious people look stupid

Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point offense but it seems like you're pretty sure there is no God. I respect that, but don't lie and say you're agnostic.

I have never seen so many unjustified assertions, hasty generalisations, and uninformed bigoted nonsense in one paragraph.

Forgive him for he is only trying to get people riled up ;)

judas(295) Disputed
3 points

So you two must have a mountain of evidence against my ludicrous statements.

I can't wait to read it.

0 points

I totally agree with you there obviously the person believes everything he reads in the Daily Mail, whilst yes there are a minority of religous Zealots who have commited atrocities in the name of their religion not all religous types are the same many do lots of good works, for every IRA, Al-Quedda etc there's a Mother Theresa or Gandhi doing good works, a lot of them quietly in the background just helping people that need help they dont look for fame and recognition because that's not why they do it.

The problem is'nt Religion itself the problem is mankind, I dont know why but it's that knee jerk if your different to me or dont agree with my views then your wrong. Instead of posting up hate filled rants trying to disguise them as debates do a bit of research about the subject instead

judas(295) Disputed
1 point

I'd be happy to back up any part of my statement with facts and evidence if you have something to point to.

Mother Theresa was a Catholic, the same church that today protects child rapists. (happy to provide evidence of such) I think a lot of these rapists worked "quietly in the background" as well. I think a lot of bad shit happens that no one knows about and the stuff that makes the news is only a small fraction. I've heard some pretty horrible shit from catholic church survivors myself so it must be going on a lot.

Instead of posting up hate filled rants trying to disguise them as debates

And I forced you to read it huh? Sorry about my hating murderers and rapists. Maybe I'll go to hell for it and be burned for the rest of eternity. Then we'd be even right?

1 point

Do you really think all people fit under these generalizations? You are horribly mistaken. Is there really a problem with the religion itself? Or is it people that claim they belong to that religion, yet completely misrepresent everything it stands for? Just a thought.

judas(295) Disputed
1 point

Are atheists known for blowing up marketplaces? Do we have a big problem with agnostics raping little kids?

No. These are problems of the religious community of which you are a part.

Maybe you religious folks should start taking responsibility for the actions of your church instead of dodging responsibility and looking the other way. Maybe a few less little kids would get raped that way. Don't you think?

Maybe if a few more muslims denounced suicide bombings and walked away from any mosque that supported that, a few less people would get blown up. Don't you think?

TheAshman(2298) Disputed
1 point

Not all Catholic Priests rape little kids but I do agree the Catholic Church should denounce those that do instead of covering it up. Have you actually met any Muslims? The majority of the Muslim community have denounced Suicide Bombers, your sweeping statement is like saying all Irish Catholics supported the IRA!!

Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

Are atheists known for blowing up marketplaces? Do we have a big problem with agnostics raping little kids?

Atheists don't do anything in the name of religion. That doesn't mean they don't do bad things. Look at Stalin.

No. These are problems of the religious community of which you are a part.

There are problems within any institution that contains members who are misinformed.

Maybe you religious folks should start taking responsibility for the actions of your church instead of dodging responsibility and looking the other way.

First of all, I'm not Catholic. Even if I was, I would say that those people guilty are majorly at fault and do not correctly represent Catholic virtues and morals.

Maybe a few less little kids would get raped that way. Don't you think?

Of course. But I can only speak for myself.

Maybe if a few more muslims denounced suicide bombings and walked away from any mosque that supported that, a few less people would get blown up. Don't you think?

Yes. But again, these people are not correctly representing their respective religion. Its not religion that's at fault here. Don't you think?

1 point

It is these institutions that breeds this type of behavior.

2 points

no thats bogus, its the people who want to become god and have control over everyone is what breeds this type of behavior, those people... ...

judas(295) Disputed
1 point

Yeah that's what we are talking about, organized religion, people that want to become god and have control over everyone.

1 point

You shouldn't blame a whole religion or religious group on a small bunch of INDIVIDUALS. Because a majority of the time the actually religion teaches the opposite of these people's behavior. For example the bible says you should love everyone including your enemies, but you have these people discriminating against gay people and saying that they all should burn. It isn't right to say the whole religion is corrupt and evil because some ignorant people don't take the time and effort to look at and think about what their religion is actually saying.

1 point

Does anyone really believe religion is a good thing anymore?

Yes, I think that Christianity is a great thing! :)

judas(295) Clarified
1 point

Is everyone that does not believe in Christ going to burn in a lake of fire forever, though?

Does anyone really believe religion is a good thing anymore?

I believe religion is a good thing still. At least, aspects of it are. You are correct to speak of it's bad sides, but what's generally forgotten are it's good sides.

After all, if it were truly nothing but a hindrance to our evolution, we would have done away with it by now. But it's not entirely a hindrance. Thus, it still exists.

And while I sympathize with the frustration one can have with organized religion when it's showing it's bad side, I believe completely doing away with it all at once, this very second, would be catastrophic.

Once nature would have it so that religion becomes truly more a hindrance to our civilization then it does a boon, that is when we will notice it coming to a complete decline... or bringing us to a completely collapse.

Though, I do not believe societies have every truly been toppled by religion. Not by the religion that exists around these days. So there is no evidence that religion would destroy our civilization, though the possibility of it happening for the first time in human history isn't something anyone would particularly want to experience.

And I have faith that we will not experience it.

It seems like everyone who's ever been ready to kill or be killed has been followed by a long stream of some sort of religious verse.

More people have been murdered, more wars have been started, and more hate has occurred due to none other than religion. Steven Hawking once said that a God was not needed to explain the existence of the universe anymore. We created Gods as a way to understand things, now we have become more civilized to the point where enough research has been done to conclude the existence of life without an all powerful being.

The idea of a God should not be hated, but accepted as a part of the mental stability we needed to advance as humans. We don't need that anymore.

1 point

Religion is something people believe in with everything they are, so insults to their religion is a complete insult to them: you might as well insult their parents, their taste in clothes, their weight, their intelligence, their appearance, their morals... all at once. It doesn't matter if you're right- they're still pretty pissed off.

I fully agree with what's said above, but unfortunately we can't stamp religion out. If I could I would, but I can't, and so I'll just have to settle for monitoring this world power as closely as I can.

1 point

Religion can be a bad thing or it can be a good thing. It depends on the religion. I got tired of Christianity, so I am going for Messianic Judaism. Shalom Elohim. ;)