
Debate Info

Discontent Grateful
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:41
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 Discontent (7)
 Grateful (9)

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atypican(4873) pic

The world would be a better place if people were generally more..


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 13
2 points

Maybe if people were more discontent, then maybe they'd work harder to make things better and in the long run become far more happier than they would have been otherwise.

Side: Discontent
Nebeling(1117) Disputed
2 points

Discontent has given rise to mass consumerism which is arguably our biggest problem alongside the threat of nuclear war.

Side: Grateful
2 points

Discontent was a contributing factor, but not the sole cause of mass consumerism.

I would also debate how highly you're ranking consumerism in terms of world problems, but that's another discussion entirely.

Side: Discontent
2 points

A discontent society is a progressive society and thus with progress comes improvement. If people were grateful for what they have nothing would happen to make things any better, we have personal computers now because people knew we missed something and were discontent, we have television because we were discontent without it. Many things have happened as a result of dissatisfaction without those things and all of that would be put on hold if we were grateful for what we have!

Side: Discontent
0 points

1.You can still be grateful while still improving things. You don't have to be discontent.

2.I disagree I am grateful for many things but that wont stop me on improving things. Being grateful doesn't have to mean to stop improving (in fact that has nothing to do with the meaning of the word)

3.No we have things like tv,computers,etc because of great inventors who wanted to make life better. Not because they were discontent or displeased.

4.Like I said you can still be grateful and still improve on things.

Side: Grateful
libertyFTW(213) Disputed
2 points

We have things like tv,computers,etc because of great inventors who wanted to make life better. Not because they were discontent or displeased.

Improvements are the result of discontent with the absence of or the inferior product of it thus people make improvements because they are displeased of a life lacking. This is even more obvious with corrections of inferior products. If somebody walked up to you and showed you a project that you would be displeased with you would make it better because you were disappointed.

Being grateful doesn't mean to stop improving, in fact that has nothing to do with the meaning of the word.

Actually that is the precise meaning of the word the only time when you are told to be grateful of what you have is when you are pointing out a flaw in it. This avoids the willingness to be creative and to improve the situation.

Side: Discontent

The world would be a better place if people were generally more Discontent with the fact that it isn't more like me ;)

Side: Discontent
1 point

I thought this would be a no-brainer. Of course the world would be better if people appreciated what they already have.

Side: Grateful
1 point

All people need is their health, a roof over their heads, clothes on their back and food in their belly, everything else is not needed. Its nice to have but is not needed.

So yes be grateful for what you have there are a lot of people who have a lot less.

Side: Grateful
1 point

Grateful I believe is the right answer, but that would depend on what the person was grateful for. If they were grateful for the opportunities they have, that is good. If they are grateful for the dictator who runs their country so they don't have to think, then no. But, better than discontent...unless of course they are discontent with the dictator that runs their country...

Side: Grateful
1 point

Gratefulness is stability is less war is less polution. There's a difference crucial difference between submission and gratefulness, the former is forced the other is peaceful, and I don't think anyone dislikes peace.

Side: Grateful

If you are discontent with everything you will have a very unhappy life.

Side: Grateful
libertyFTW(213) Disputed
1 point

I am discontent with your argument!

Side: Discontent
0 points

I am grateful for your dispute. :)

Side: Grateful