
Debate Info

Brontoraptor Anti-Brontoraptor
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Brontoraptor (1)
 Anti-Brontoraptor (1)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

There is no left anymore. There is right and far right.

Republicans have become more liberal than the Democrats. Want gays protected and women protected from Islamic fundamentalists? Better look to the Republicans. The Democrats will leave you out to dry. Support free speech? Democrats are at war with it. Republicans are the defenders of it. Want an ideology shoved down your throat against your will? The Democrats will happily shove their ideology down your throat and call you a deplorable sinner if you do not open wide and take your fundamentalist medicine. If anyone is left at all, it is the Republicans. The Democrats are so far right at this point that they have the ovens boiling and ready to toss non-liberals into the boilers. 

Hitler loved Palestinians over Jews. His Democrat children agree with him. He hated America. His Democrat children burn the flag. He hated blacks. His Democrat children can spew hate at a non-democrat black person on a dime. He hated gays. Democrats can try to destroy a non-Democrat gay person on a dime and then support migrants commanded to kill and slaughter gays. The point? Liberalism died years ago, and Obama, the Democrat messiah, turned it into a Hitlerian and Stalinist hate cult.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

After Bernie was out of the running the election was indeed between moderate capitalism and severe capitalism.

Side: Brontoraptor
1 point

Bernie was ready to disarm you and give you ration sizes of his choice, which would be less than you have now. Ya know, to be able to feed the 30 million third world foreigners he planned on moving into our new open borders Orwellian dystopia.

Side: Anti-Brontoraptor
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

How does this prove what I said wrong?

Side: Brontoraptor
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