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Aww, bless her heart Wait..., what? Why???
Debate Score:63
Total Votes:69
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 Aww, bless her heart (28)
 Wait..., what? Why??? (15)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

There's a reason why some people are homeless

Aww, bless her heart

Side Score: 42

Wait..., what? Why???

Side Score: 21

I can only hope God gives me this test ;)

Side: Aww, bless her heart

If I found it with the I.D. still in the purse I would return it because: its probably a set up by the cops, noone wants to lose 10k, and i like giving

But if i couldnt find whos it was id take that shit and move out of the country!

Side: Aww, bless her heart
2 points

10K is enough for you to move out of the country? Good grief you must be desperate!

Side: Aww, bless her heart

hell ya i just need me a little garden and hut on some beach somewhere

Side: Aww, bless her heart
2 points

The purse obviously had $50,000 in it originally.

Side: Aww, bless her heart

What are you doing on this side? Shouldn't you be on that ---> side ;)

Side: Aww, bless her heart
1 point

She returned it because it wasn't hers. If it were my money I would see to that person personally any way I could. We are all connected. Especially if we are going to be losing or dropping money.

Side: Aww, bless her heart

I generally accept is as a fact that most of the people who are unfortunate in this world are in their situations because they were honorable, kind, trusting, or innocent, and then some other person took advantage of those positive traits and ruined their lives.

Or they are born into it. In whence, they are totally innocent anyway, no matter whom they grow into.

Side: Aww, bless her heart

Yes that would be a good example of a good person. Honest people are hard to find these days due to various temptations that accord to them once provoked. But then again, seeing that people still have moral values and principles shines light that there is still hope for humanity in this rotten world.

Side: Aww, bless her heart
1 point

ohh that is so sweet. but im feeling terrible now :( :( :(

Side: Aww, bless her heart
1 point

for the poor to be honest and trustworthy with a strangers treasure is more than most here would do if the treasure was your best friends build a house excess an not of necessity, see how long you can live in it.

Side: Aww, bless her heart
2 points

... wait...

did anyone else catch that?

hold on...

no, I seriously think some lady claimed money that wasn't hers.

Side: Wait..., what? Why???
1 point

Wow what is wrong with that lady! I would have taken the money. Finders keepers!

Side: Wait..., what? Why???
Cynical(1943) Disputed
2 points

Oh, really? What about "Thou shall not steal"?

shifty eyes

Side: Aww, bless her heart
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

Thats very unchristian of you.

Side: Aww, bless her heart
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

If the purse was sitting there and nobody claimed it was lying around then I would have gotten it or taken it.

Side: Wait..., what? Why???
1 point

Reasons people are homeless in America:



-Mentally Ill (Alcoholics and Druggies fall in this cat)

Side: Wait..., what? Why???
2 points

Wrong order though. Have you ever talked to a homeless person who was like "yeah, I mean, this trash can is cool and shit and eating piss half-eaten sandwiches isn't so bad, better than working..."


Like, 1 in 100 people are homeless because they simply have no family/friends/neighbors to help them and there was some cataclysmic bad luck

1 out of 100 might be lazy, but I have yet to meet anyone that lazy.

Dumb? Maybe, but you'd need to be dumb to the point of mentally ill.

According to the hundreds of drunken conversations I've had with crazy homeless people downtown LV over the last decade or so,

at least 98/100 are mentally ill.

Side: Wait..., what? Why???
1 point

Reasons people are homeless in America:

- Stupid (Because they choose to be?)

- Lazy (Because they choose to be?)

- Mentally Ill (Because they are?)

Side: Wait..., what? Why???