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Shit... What is God's name!?!
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Shit... (3)
 What is God's name!?! (2)

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Jacobcoolguy(2428) pic

This is even worse than Orlando!

Human induced Climate change has claimed it's first mamal extinction.


Side Score: 4

What is God's name!?!

Side Score: 4
1 point

I read the article.

And there is a major problem with it's veracity as well as its logic and its primary claim.

Do you know what it is?

I do.

It's my job.


Really though, the problem is that the author ASSUMED right off the bat that Global Climate change was "man-made!" He just uses the term capriciously from the very beginning. Without explaining how he knows that the recent warming trend the Earth has undergone IS man-made and not merely a part of a cycle.

Nobody doubts the planet has warmed over the past century. But the REAL rub as far as the topic goes is what is the reason? Some say it is a result of the Greenhouse effect. That is, man-made due to our burning of fossil fuels.

Others, like yours truly, think that since almost ALL THINGS in Nature or cyclical (water cycle; seasons; orbits; Earth rotation; the seeding and pollination of flora, et al) then why not the WEATHER? You should also know that in true technical climatology terms, we are now at the tail end of an Ice Age. I can supply that link for you if you wish.

So yeah, the article. Typical libtard bullshit pretty much. The author assumed from the first sentence that Global Warming was man-made. Nobody will argue with him that the rodent in question perished due to the Earth;s recent warming trend and melting of the ice caps and drought in some areas. OK. But the REASON for all that was NOT proven in the article. Rather it was capriciously taken for granted.

This is NOT how science works.

Hope this helps!



(why do you hate me?)

Side: Shit...
Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
2 points

I love you.

Side: Shit...
2 points

The Earth is warming at unprecedented speed and the top 10 all being since 1998. 2015 was the hottest and 2016 is posed to break that record. All of this falls in line with the growing amount of co2 and other green house gasses in the air.

Side: What is God's name!?!
SlapShot(2608) Clarified
0 points

except when you look at how short a time mankind has been on the planet. and then how even shorter a time we have been sumping CO2 emissions into the Biosphere.

Here is an anaolgy for you...............

If the entire 4.6 billion year lifespan of the Earth were compressed into a 24-hour day, and that day began last night at midnight, guess when us homo sapiens came on the scene?

Not until about ten second to midnight, the following midnight!


So in that short a time--shorter really since we have been around for about 200,000 years but have only been manufacturing and driving cars for 100 years--do you REALLY think we can drastically alter the climate? The atmosphere, which is comprised of billions of cubic miles?

I am not saying we should not take measures to curb emissions and take care of the planet at much as possible. We should. I am just saying that the jury is still out as to what is really driving this recent warming trend.

Remember too that we have been keeping weather records for a very short time, in comparison with the age of the Earth.

Side: Shit...
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Nobody doubts the planet has warmed over the past century.

That's actually not true. There are many people who do believe there is no warming going on whatsoever.

Side: What is God's name!?!

I care more about this rodent than 100 faggots stuffed into a gay bar. Just keeping it real.

Side: Shit...
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