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 This is how the Left rigged our election. They helped Trump win primaries by holding tapes (3)

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This is how the Left rigged our election. They helped Trump win primaries by holding tapes

Hillary and the Leftwing biased media wanted Trump to win the primaries. They purposely waited to release these tapes with locker room talk from 11 years ago, to after the primaries, so that Trump would win the primaries.

I hope you people who will still vote for Hillary can grasp how corrupt our Government is, and how corrupt our liberal biased media is in bed with the Democrat party!

Our nation is truly being run by Big brother with the mouth piece of our biased media. This is no longer a free nation with a non partisan free press, with free honest elections.
Our people are being conditioned to always elect those in the Democrat party. The press buries most bad news towards Hillary, and they constanly push the bad storeis about Trump. They can control your minds and what news you will read.

It's truly sickening! And what's more sickening? When people tell you of this corruption, you could not care less!

You have been programmed to want Big Government supporting every aspect of your lives. You don't even have a problem with Big Government forcing your public schools to have boys(who think they are girls) going into your daughter's bathrooms.
HAVE YOU LOST ALL COMMON SENSE? You even give up your daughters right's to privacy? GROW A SPINE! SUPPORT YOUR DAUGHTER'S RIGHTS!

You truly are sheep if you vote for these Democrat extremists! I understand the media is conditioning your minds, but you can't tell me you can not see what they are doing. It is too obvious!
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Now I ask you, if our free press has information about candidates during our primary process, information that would definitely educate the voters concerning those they would support. Is it corrupt for them to keep that information from the people, so as to get the worst nominee chosen to run against Hillary.

We constantly hear from Americans that we never have good choices running for president. THIS IS WHY!!!!! The media wants the worst GOP candidate every election cycle to run against their chosen one. Their chosen ones of course will always be ultra Liberals and make a hideous President as we saw with Obama.

This all done so that their Democrat party will win the general election when they finally release the dirt on the Republican opponent.

This is beyond corrupt. It is as I always say. The American people are now being controlled by Big brother Democrats and their in the bag biased media.

They are using their bully pulpit of the corrupt biased media to influence our elections.


Get real, is there one honest human being remaining in these sheepal of voters who would elect these Democrat extremists?

Can you even admit how wrong this is?

Our free press is manipulating our elections by witholding evidence until after the primary votes are given! Funny, in our justice system, witholding evidence is a crime.

1 point

Here is the footage we have of Hillary that would have us choose a five days dead cockroach over Hitlery Rotten Klingon-

1 point

Seems your biggest fan is the Dummy Cuaroc. Now that one could not come up an original thought if a gun was held to it's head.