
Debate Info

Todd Aiken AGAIN??? Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:21
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 Todd Aiken AGAIN??? (4)
 Trump can do no wrong (2)

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excon(18261) pic

To WIN a Republican primary, you have to be so far right, that you can't win a general

Todd Aiken AGAIN???

Side Score: 14

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 2

To WIN a Republican primary, you have to be so far right, that you can't win a general

In other words you are saying Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now the middle of the new left's political spectrum. Oh goody. Even the Washington Post did the numbers for her proposals. $32 trillion. Oh well. Your party wants Communism and the U.S. to disintegrate. Don't cry to me when they take your house. trillion-savings

Side: Todd Aiken AGAIN???
1 point

Todd Aiken AGAIN???

Who is that STUPOR STUPID ??????????

No SUCH name exists DUMMY LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!

The CONFUSED WORLD OF CON continues !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Todd Aiken AGAIN???
1 point

Spelling does seem to be a REAL PROBLEM for the PROGRESSIVES that are unable to use the technology at their fingertips !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Todd Aiken AGAIN???
1 point

Who are these far right candidates running for office, so I can examine what you are referring to.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

To WIN a Republican primary, you have to be so far right, that you can't win a general

The RUSSIANS are the FAR RIGHT STUPOR STUPID !!!!!!!!! I thought you knew ????

STUPOR STUPID has to be 60 plus million of RUSSIAN voters on the RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why hasn't MULER found this out DUMMY ??????????????????

Side: Trump can do no wrong