
Debate Info

Equal Not Equal
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:32
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 Equal (7)
 Not Equal (5)

Debate Creator

JakeJ(3255) pic

Up Voting

Everyone talks about down voting, it might be one of the most controversial topics of discussion around here. Lets talk about up voting. 


Should up voting be treated equaly to down voting?

For example, should I get an extra point every time I up vote somebody?

Should it be considered wrong to up vote somebody just because you agree with them? 




Side Score: 16

Not Equal

Side Score: 11
3 points

I upvote people's arguments I do not agree with, but it would need to be a pretty good one. One problem is that you could upvote a hundred times a day and just get points for upvoting. So the one point per upvote idea won't work. I am sure there is a way upvoting can benefit the upvoter.

Side: Equal and unequal
3 points

Upvoting and downvoting should be on the strength of the argument made, not whether or not you agree.

Side: Equal
3 points

I thought up-voting meant that you agreed with the person. So instead of just littering all over a debate with the same ideas, you just up-voted the really good argument.

I also didn't think 'enemy' meant "grr, I hate you." I thought it was more a 'frienemy' thing.

But now that all of this is clarified, I don't think they should be equal. Because down-voting hurts someone's efficiency score, right? So you should have to really think it's a bad argument to sacrifice a point. So if you could just recoup that point by up-voting someone else, down-voting would become a plague.

Side: Not Equal
1 point


A++ would upvote again!

This is what I've been trying to explain to this kid. Votes are not diggs or reddit votes. The reason we are docked for down-voting is because people are misusing the feature, not because it shouldn't be used! Down votes shouldn't cost the person downvoting, and voting someone up definitely shouldn't give reward to those using it, it would just put us back were we were.

Points are cheap anyhow, especially now that people aren't treating votes as if they do mean something.

Side: Equal
1 point

Hey, I agree with you and xaeon, but I think you where targeting me when you said "this kid". I don't vote based on agreement, unless its an up vote when they say exactly what I was thinking(that is rare). But yeah I don't vote down for disagreement alone.

Side: Equal
2 points

Well they can both be abused, so I guess they'd be equal. But that doesn't mean you should receive an award for up voting an argument. Hell, if that were the case I'd up vote everything and abuse the privilege. :)

Side: Equal

As Xeaon points out, up or down voting should be based upon the strength of the argument given and nothing else...whether or not you agree with that argument and whether or not you LIKE or DISLIKE the person.

As to an extra point given for up long as the down voting point is in place then I believe, in all fairness, a point should be given for up voting a good argument, BUT I would much rather the policy be tossed altogether on both. I don't think getting a point for voting someone up is worthy of a point for yourself as well but, as I've said, if the CD Glee Club is going to subtract a point then give a point to balance. I think it would be chaotic but fair is fair.

Side: Equal
2 points

if someone gives an argument that you find to be excellent, you should be able to up vote them. i often up vote people whether i agree with them or not if i like the argument presented.

the problem with down voting is that it is often used just because someone disagrees with you and it throws your argument to the bottom of the thread... and can possibly make it just a line.

think about it, if i made an argument saying that slavery was justified, no matter how well presented it will be, it will get quite a few down votes from the PCfags out there.

Side: Not Equal
3 points

Have you ever considered that the fact that you constantly throw around the terms "liberals" and "pcfags" detracts alot from the strength of your arguments? To be perfectly honest, it makes you look a little like a right-wing nutjob; regardless of how good or bad your argument may actually be.

Side: Not Equal
1 point

PCfags are merely people on the internet who are PC police. remember how the term fag works on the internet dude.

as for liberals... i say conservative all the time too... that's because some people are liberals while others are conservatives.

it wouldn't make sense for me to say "conservatives are against water boarding" when most of them aren't and most liberals are.

Side: Not Equal
1 point

if i made an argument saying that slavery was justified, no matter how well presented it will be, it will get quite a few down votes from the PCfags out there.

Not here: Let_s_Defend_the_Indefensible

I invite you to do it, just for fun ;)

Side: Not Equal

Down voting is negative, Up voting is positive! I think up voting does not deserved to be treated as down voting is

Side: Not Equal