
Debate Info

Do tell I'm dying to know
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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 Do tell (3)
 I'm dying to know (3)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

Venezuela's leader was elected Democratically. Why won't it happen to us?

Do tell

Side Score: 5

I'm dying to know

Side Score: 5
1 point

Putin says HE was elected democratically also ;-). I've been in Venezuela several times when it was a "Capitalist" country … again ;-). It was more like today's Russia, run by a leader close to Fidel Castro. Now this new leader is close to Trump's friend, Putin. He now has a foothold in this hemisphere thanks to Trump's mishandling of its protection.

If you're wondering why Putin wanted Trump to win …. look around you! He get's a slap on the wrist every once in a while, while he grabs the pussies OF THE WORLD! Any wonder why they need each other??? :-(

Side: Do tell
1 point

Now this new leader is close to Trump's friend, Putin.

1)The Mueller report shows zero evidence of this.

2)Trump has sanctioned Russia into oblivion.

3)Trump has literally attacked the Russian military with missiles and killed hundreds of Russian military personel.

4)Obama and Democrats used to get mad if you attacked Russia or Putin. A whole 2 and half years ago...

4)The Lib press celebrated Putin winning and even named him "Person of the Year". 400.jpg

Point? STFU.

Side: I'm dying to know
excon(18261) Disputed
2 points

1)The Mueller report shows zero evidence of this.

Hello bront:

It might..

But, we haven't SEEN the Mueller report yet.. We've seen the Barr report. I wanna see the actual Mueller report.

Certainly, you do too. If Trump didn't do anything, you should SUPPORT its release.


Side: Do tell
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I'm sure you think Putin is "Person of the Year" for a different reason than the voters that gave him that title. They choose the person for having a YUGE effect on the world … either good OR BAD! I haven't seen Putin do much GOOD since he was a KGB! Likely, before THAT, he "earned a few "titles", that's why they let him in! Apparently, he is some kind of hero to the Trumplicans, including YOU. He's a face only a Trumplican could love. NOT a real AMERICAN!

Point?? YOU are NOT a real American, You ARE a disgrace to your race. :-( I'd shut up if YOU would … FAT CHANCE! ;-)!

Side: Do tell
Spanner(24) Banned
2 points

Why are you so obsessed with Venezuela?

This is honestly what it is like dealing with fucking idiots like you. References to countries which aren't even socialist in the first place in an effort to smear socialism, while you obviously entirely ignore the global standard of living index, which is dominated by countries with heavy socialist economic programs, and similarly ignore the many capitalist failures like Zimbabwe and Uganda.

Shut your mouth you imbecile.

Side: I'm dying to know
1 point

Why are you so obsessed with Venezuela?

Because it's a Socialist country where people have no food or electricity. It used to be a Capitalist country, and was the richest nation in South America. Its leader waz elected...Democratically...

Shut your mouth you imbecile.

We are all fully aware that the left cannot challenge any of our points. Thank you for your participation.

Side: Do tell