
Debate Info

Supports Condemns
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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 Supports (1)
 Condemns (1)

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xMathFanx(1722) pic

What are Nomenclature's Views on Tommy Robinson?


Side Score: 2


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I'm pretty sure Nom condemns him. .

Side: Condemns
Waylife(12) Disputed
1 point

I'm pretty sure Nom condemns him.

He's a blathering, bigoted moron. I don't dislike him on a personal level, it's just that -- like many on this site -- he's thicker than toothpaste and has absolutely no idea about it.

Earlier MathFan attacked me on the basis of his own prediction that I don't like Tommy Robinson, therefore I must be a dick. And it really was a prediction, because he's never asked me about it.

MathFan clearly has not researched this guy enough to notice he is the ex head of the English Defence League, which is literally classified by the Metropolitan Police as a terrorist group. They are an obnoxious bunch of right wing yobs who used to go out in large, intimidating mobs and film themselves abusing Muslims. MathFan evidently has only seen the new, more polished version of Tommy Robinson since the twit got out of prison.

Oh, and if that weren't enough, he was also a member of the BNP, which is a literal fascist group.

Side: Supports
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

No member of EDL is not tied to BNP, it's two names for the same group. BNP is their official face, EDL is their lowkey mafia-like pseudonym.

Side: Supports