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Debate Score:40
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pakicetus(1455) pic

What 's the deal with Prodigee?

Was he just trolling, or does he have some mental instabilty? He constantly switches from normal to trollish behavior,what's up with that?

EDIT: Do any of you guys know if Rouge Rascal is the same person or someone else?

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We are all trolls. The difference is that people like Joe and I embrace it. Dana also embraces it but does so in a huge fit of anti-trolling rage. She is the anti-troll troll.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

No honey, I admit to being part troll. I really like to troll conservatives. .

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Upvote. .

2 points

I am not taking part in this anymore. .

1 point

Why, what happened?

Sitara(11075) Clarified
2 points

I chose to practice forgiveness. The hate was making me sick. That had to end. Besides, I have to forgive to obey my God.

2 points

Surely, everyone here knows about the effects of loneliness.

When people becomes too lonely, they start to doubt their own existance and in order to protect themselves from themselves, they create another image of themselves.

Prodigee is an artist who seeks his place in the internet. Too bad though, openminded as we are, CreateDebate is not a place for his kind.

He has to look further

1 point

I think it's much more than just that but you have a very good start on it.

Your observations are not very far from my own. However, I think that you are a little more kind in your analysis that I would have been.

Define trollish behavior. One thing that we forget is that he actually debates but when we disagree with him he is called a troll. Same with Chuz-Life. It like a "follow society" thing. In the past he did technically "troll" but now he contributes to debates with actual points.

1 point

Putting up joke debates and giving non constructive comments during debates

Oh okay. He does do that. At the same time lots of people do post things like that so lots of people fit that criteria.

1 point

Can we not have so many of these blaming posts, accusing other users of things? I know Prodigee is a turd, he's just abused me too. But seriously, these post are the exact kind of attention-seeking that he's after. Stop stroking his ego with these kind of posts.

1 point

I'm not trying to blame him, I don't hate him or anything. The whole situation is pretty weird and I'm just trying to figure out what's going on

The thing is that what is actually keeping debaters here? Mostly the mass "social" aspect of this site.

1 point

Troubled kid, lets it all out online. Kinda feel bad for him really.

pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

That actually explains a lot...

1 point

I mean the guy spends all day on this website, and gets very defensive, but is very against discrimination, probably because he hates being treated like shit. Just speculation though.

He's not mentally unstable. He's like me, someone with strong views who enjoys trolling a little every now and then.

1 point

I don't know and I am guilty of being mean to him. I am sorry for what I have done to him and said.

Rogue Rascal is Prodigee.

Forgieness is the start of something new.

1 point
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Just repent to God and Prodigee and commit to being a better person. .

Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

I actually asked Prodigee for his forgiveness but he didn't forgive me he told me to go suck Jesus's penis.