
Debate Info

truth fiction
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 truth (4)
 fiction (2)

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When liberals say Americans they mean anyone not white


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2

White people have no place in Liberal America. It is a curse just to have been born white. Whites are the new Jews.

Side: truth
Rusticus(809) Disputed
1 point

No intelligent person will ever take you seriously. You'll always be known as a wack job.

Get used to it.

Side: fiction
1 point

So how do you feel about the white race and its people Rusticus? Do tell...

Side: truth

BLM is not for equality. It is for black supremacy. BLM is also a terrorist group. They burned and looted a city and said it was for equality. Wat?

Side: truth
1 point

Funny, I'm white, MOST of my friends and neighbors are and we are ALL Americans, can't you come up with a realistic statement? Stick to Russian, you fuck up when you switch to English.

Side: fiction
1 point

What happened to being pro migrant and pro foreigner Al? The Russians not brown enough for you?

Of course, a full year has passed and nerry even one drop of evidence of "Russian collusion". You sound like one of those religious kooks you tell us about. I mean, only a religious nut job would believe something with no evidence... isn't that right Al?

Side: truth