
Debate Info

A long time Not that long
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 A long time (7)
 Not that long (2)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

When you lose something, how long does it usually take to find it?

A long time

Side Score: 7

Not that long

Side Score: 2

I consider two weeks a long time...

Side: A long time
1 point

Well if it's your virginity could take a long time methinks !

Side: A long time

why would you be looking for your virginity?

Side: A long time
1 point

Why my friend to get it back again , once lost hard to get back ...

Side: A long time
1 point

Lol no where I'm going hell I think I want to be brand shiny new for a bit of demon pleasuring ... Are ya with me ....

Side: A long time

Ehh, I lose something and it takes me about... I don't know, 3-5 weeks, and in extreme cases, ONE TO TWO FING YEARS!*

Side: A long time
1 point

It doesn't really take me that long if I know where it is. And it all depends on what I am look for.

Side: Not that long
Delta(1348) Clarified
1 point

What I'm look for? B. .

Side: A long time

Normally it doesn't take that long .

Side: Not that long