
Debate Info

Grifter Fakes and frauds
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 Grifter (4)
 Fakes and frauds (4)

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HotLesbian(12) pic

While preaching diversity, Don Lemon lives in one of the whitest places on Earth


Side Score: 9

Fakes and frauds

Side Score: 9
1 point

While preaching diversity, Don Lemon lives in one of the whitest places on Earth

Hello H:

So, I suppose you believe that since Al Gore didn't ride a bike everywhere and live in a yurt, that he was just preaching too...


Taking your argument to its logical conclusion, since Bernie Sanders owns 2 houses and makes money selling books on the internet, you could say that he's a raging capitalist...

But, you wouldn't say that, would you??


Side: Grifter
HotLesbian(12) Disputed
2 points

So, I suppose you believe that since Al Gore didn't ride a bike everywhere and live in a yurt, that he was just preaching too

When you bitch about the climate and pollute like a mother fucker, you're a fake, phony piece of shit. Be sure and point out the flaw in my logic you brainwashed bootlicker.

Taking your argument to its logical conclusion, since Bernie Sanders owns 2 houses and makes money selling books on the internet, you could say that he's a raging capitalist...

But, you wouldn't say that, would you??

Yes I would. He preached Socialism, and that made him alot of money in the Capitalist world. Either he was always a Capitalist posing as a Socialist to you gullable dipshits, or he he is now once he tasted its fruits. Actions tell us everything we need to know.

Aren't you the same phony jackass that said there were no kids in cages at the border, got proven wrong and is now comfortable with the cages because it's your white masters telling you they are child comfortability zones and not "Nazi death camps"? Yep, you're that same weak, pathetic, unable to think for himself slave doing as Massa commands. Oh, and put on your God damned mask boy because the white liberal says so. Stay on your knees, and live there forever. If you are weak enough to be led by the nose, then you deserve to be nothing but a fieldhand forever because you chose it for yourself. I have no pity for the man who consciously chooses to be the bitch for the white authoritarians running the left. If you need a white man to tell you when you can shit and when you can't, that's your problem. Deal with it and quit whining like a little girl.

Side: Fakes and frauds
Ahoghill(1452) Clarified
3 points

Please permit me to respectfully suggest that some caution needs to be exercised when dealing with the likes of excon.

When confronted with the truth such participants immediately engage in THE-WHATABOUTERY form of counter-argument in a ploy to avoid answering the issue(s) outlined in the thrust of any anti-leftist thread.

This foxy debating manoeuvre normally wrong foots the debate-creator who usually takes the bait and goes off on a tangent and spends most of their time addressing the irrelevant issues raised in the challenger's red-herring.

Note how when the embarrassing nonsense of Biden's incoherent gobbledegook is highlighted the loony lefties immediately try to divert attention away from our doddering President's senility by introducing some of the actions of former President Trump.

When we hear Donald Trump publicly addressing his supporters it's like a BREATH of FREASH AIR.

Side: Grifter
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

When you bitch about the climate and pollute like a mother fucker, you're a fake, phony piece of shit. Be sure and point out the flaw in my logic you brainwashed bootlicker.

Hello H:

To think the way to INFLUENCE the discussion over climate change is to REMOVE yourself from the grid, live in a yurt, and ride a bike, is STUPID, STUPID. STUPID.

Consider your flaw pointed out..


Side: Grifter

The main issue here, is that you can't really take anything that Don says legitimately. He's one of the same far left sociopaths that been fine with people being dragged from their cars, and beaten in the streets. As well as being wholly racist on live TV, so he's nothing more than the exact same thing that he pretends to stand against.

This is the same man who stated that Donald Trump was a racist, claiming that it was fact and not opinion.

However when Biden made an obvious racist statement against blacks, one that drew him an intense amount of criticism from both parties. Lemon instead went to bat for Biden, much like he does now, and stated that he Understood what Joe was trying to say.. apparently gearing up for his daily defense of the man, in the years to come.

Don is nothing but a pretender at this point. He's racist, bigoted, corrupt, and more than willing to thumb his own morals so long as it keeps him in the good graces of those around him.

Side: Grifter
3 points

Most of the legions of sanctimonious virtue signalers like to be seen and heard bellowing about the merits of diversity and cultural interaction.

But, when it comes to practicing what they preach the filth are no where to be seen.

Side: Fakes and frauds
1 point

Off the top of my head, I can't think of any 'elite' who preaches anything, as being someone who practices what they preach.

Side: Fakes and frauds
Ahoghill(1452) Clarified
1 point

That's a comment on my reply to the thread.

What is your opinion on the topic which highlights the hypocritical leftist ideologues who seize every opportunity to do some showboating by throwing their purity-balls at those who are behaving exactly the same as they are themselves?

Side: Grifter
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Same as anyone else who does it. If you are going to spend the time preaching about something and condemning others for it, you need to do your best to behave the way you want (or expect) others to emulate.

Side: Grifter