
Debate Info

Righty’s Lefty’s
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Righty’s (2)
 Lefty’s (1)

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Who is gonna win the government shut down war?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 2

The right has already won the shutdown. There is nothing offered by the Republicans that the Democrats even disagree with. They accept all terms without acception. Trump has never acted like he won't offer the Dreamers amnesty. Never.

And now they are keeping funds from millions of children and vets. Good luck with that.

What these Democrats can't wrap their mind around is that we bring in a million legal immigrants every year. Much of this group of immigrants are educated and self sufficient. These immigrants had to wait years and decades to get in, so guess what? They vote against groups that cheat the system. That's why the Republican Party doesn't just disappear when Dems bring in mass influxes of illegals who can't vote.

Side: Righty’s
1 point

This depends on how ignorant Americans are of the US Constitution and the Senate's current procedural rules.

People who are ignorant of the Constitution may believe liars like Pelosi and Schumer when they say Trump is at fault.

Everybody else knows that until both houses in Congress pass a bill, Trump cannot sign or refuse to sign it. As a result it cannot possibly be Trump's fault, because Congress has not presented him with a bill to sign.

The Constitution places all funding and appropriations responsibilities on Congress, so the fault lies with Congress. The house "righties" passed the Continuing Resolution (CR) on government funding, so it cannot possibly the fault of the Republicans or the Democrats in the House.

That leaves the Senate to blame. The Senate's current procedural rules require 60 votes to pass a bill. This means that the 51 Senate Republicans are not sufficient to pass the CR, and that Democrats must also vote for the CR in order to pass it.

Those 4 Republicans and 44 Democrats who voted against the CR are the ones to blame for the government shutdown.

That mean that the fault lies primarily on the side of the "lefties."

Worst of all, with the (possible) exception of Rand Paul, they all voted against the CR because it did not make DACA permanent.

That means they sold out the needs of 300 million US Citizens for the desires of fewer than 800,000 Illegal Aliens.

Will someone please explain why non-citizens are more important to members of our government than citizens.

I will be satisfied with a clear explanation of why fewer than 800,000 folks are more important than over 300 million.

Side: Righty’s
2 points

Difficult to say who will win the 'blame game contest, but it will be the people who will lose out. if the shithead intransigent politicians don't climb down of their high horses and begin working for the American people.

The reckless, here today, gone tomorrow politicians place their own agenda above the needs of the people.

America is rapidly becoming an embarrassment to the western world and is heading in exactly the direction which it's enemies want it to;- MELTDOWN.

Somehow, and sometime very soon, like tomorrow, America's politicians are going to have to set aside their prejudices and make compromises for the overall good of the American people.

Side: Lefty’s