
Debate Info

CNN Alex Jones
Debate Score:60
Total Votes:93
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 CNN (19)
 Alex Jones (10)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Who's more honest CNN or Alex Jones?



Side Score: 39

Alex Jones

Side Score: 21

They use facts and they don't yell you into submission in any given argument.

Side: CNN
TzarPepe(763) Clarified
0 points


Side: CNN

Yes that's right. Your biased video doesn't show a single factual lie.

You are correct that they support Democrats over Republicans but you haven't showed on non-fact stated by them as a fact.

Fox News on the other hand, has actually stated wrong facts which is illegal but since Murdoch owns them they are above the law.

Side: CNN
1 point


Side: CNN
0 points

CNN is typically honest. CNN has sources. CNN has actually been known to look for corroboration.

Alex Jones is typically a conspiracy nut. Alex Jones has fruitcakes. Alex Jones has been known to look for echo chambers.

Side: CNN

Mind upvoting me? Some Alex Jones fan is trolling.

Side: CNN

• Democrats support no restriction abortions!

• ...but Hilary Clinton...!

• Jesus love're going to burn in hell!

• You fools!

• You anti Christian bigots!

• Republicans can do no wrong!

• Democrats can do no right!

• I masturbate to Donald Trump!


Side: Alex Jones
1 point

What would Austin be without Alex Jones?

I think he is a very necessary counterbalance in the environment of this fine city. You gotta have Alex Jones. Seriously, the papers here are all just establishment left propaganda vehicles. Nah, I think he makes more sense in the context of Austin, Texas.

Alex Jones may be a madman, but that's because he's hopped up on all that Alex Jones dope all the time. Seriously, if you drank your coffee with BRAINFORCE and ULTRA MALE VITALITY, you'd probably be struggling to contain yourself.

ProPur water filters are legit.

Side: Alex Jones
1 point

Hello bront:

I LOVE Alex Jones.. He sells the BEST butt cream I've ever used.. It's really very soothing..


Side: Alex Jones