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 Why do you suppose Liberal's despise those who bring up moral values? (24)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Why do you suppose Liberal's despise those who bring up moral values?

Have you noticed how whenever someone's opinion addresses the moral breakdown in our culture, Liberals get all insecure & go into attack mode? Whether it be a politicin or a Business owner, or just another person voicing their concerns, Liberals either boycott, lash out on Liberal TV or simply attack those who have diverse opinions. It seems Liberals hate the thought of an America where all do not march to the drum beat of the politically correct collective.

The first thing they say is whose morals as if someone was trying to force them to be moral. They seem so insecure that if a person merely mentions morals, they think people are talking about them & then become defensive. I wonder if it was their childhood making them feel badly about themselves.

Insecurity is a killer when it comes to relationships, marriage, etc. It creates constant fights because the insecure person gets defensive from the most innocent of remarks.

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3 points

We get defensive because of the way you word things. You come out saying liberals are evil, immoral, satanic, assholes. Of course were gonna get defensive because you cant seem to have a civil conversation nor look up the facts behind your baseless assertions.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

What a pathetic liar you are! Other than immoral I have not called a Liberal any of those things you spewed but people attacking me have used those words.

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

I wasn't being literally but lets be honest its what you implied. If you're a christian and you love the so called "christian heritage" that the US was (never) founded on then logically you must believe any attacks on said heritage is inherently satanic. Also if morality stems from god than anything immoral must stem from anti-god/christ aka Satan. Am i correct?

2 points

It seems Liberals (or the new politically correct Progressives) can't even be secure about their label (Liberal). They needed some other name they could feel better bout. Progressive.... that's it! Much nicer. Progressive implies progress. I thought progress would be ushering a better America. Over 70% of Black children have no mother or Father at home. Not a whole lot better with White families. Many kids joining gangs for that feeling of family. We have kids mass killing other kids in school. Swollen welfare roles, 17 Trillion in debt. Does that sound like progress?

I'm Conservative & have no problem being called Conservative. I am happy in my own skin. I can sleep at night knowing I do not support late term abortions on demand with my vote. I believe in helping the truly needy or disabled. I believe in accountability for one's choices in life & by doing so helps deter others from making the same terrible life choices. That is how you prevent so many broken homes, by lifting up moral values & responsible choices in life. Not enabling irresponsible choices that hurt our entire nation.

No person should starve or go without a shelter in this nation, but you sure don't hand out free cell phones & make so it easy for those who refuse to work & live responsibly. One day in a food bank line & you will see how fast that able bodied person finds a job.

The more I experience life and begin to understand the aspects of it (in my irrelevant little mind). The more I realize how important the beginning is. In this argument, upbringing through cultural and social environment is key in determining a liberals/ conservative's actions and words. (Everyone's for that matter). Context is very important and just as when you analyze a speech from a politician or a battle from a military strategist, understanding where they come from, where they are, and where they want to be can instrumental in determining why they made that speech, and how they decided to order a frontal assault. Saying every Liberal is insecure is a very broad and generalization of the democratic party. I agree to a certain extent but also disagree. I've met my fair share of those types of "progressives" you just described and i chuckle because you painted a perfect picture of them.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Yes, I have a bad habit of using the words "all" or "every" when describing a group of people. You are correct when you said my words were too broad. When I use sweeping statements, I never meant to imply that all Liberals are insecure, just 99% :)

There are no groups where every single person fits the stereotype but i hope people can get the gist of the point.

Coldfire(1014) Clarified
1 point

It seems Liberals (or the new politically correct Progressives) can't even be secure about their label (Liberal).

Liberal and conservative are two points on a linear scale covering a vast amount of different civil liberty issues. Some people are not comfortable with being labeled as one or the other because they have different views on various issues. Some people have a problem with ascribing to such a black and white way of thought, regardless of what stance they take. Others like yourself and many liberal leaning people feel perfectly comfortable with ascribing to very distinct labels such as Liberal and Conservative.

In short, I wouldn’t be so quick to consider an unwillingness to ascribe to a particular label as a sign of insecurity.

Progressive implies progress. I thought progress would be ushering a better America.

Progressivism is a broad ideology that does indeed imply progress. People who lean more on the liberal side of the spectrum often attribute their line of thinking as progressive, whether or not this is justified is debatable, however progressivism is not exclusive to civil liberties issues. It covers topics of science, technology, law, economics, and society and posits that advances in these fields can improve the condition of the world we live in.

Over 70% of Black children have no mother or Father at home. Not a whole lot better with White families. Many kids joining gangs for that feeling of family. We have kids mass killing other kids in school. Swollen welfare roles, 17 Trillion in debt. Does that sound like progress?

This is a loaded question. What makes you think these are all the result of progressivism?

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

You know, when you try & deny the obvious, it makes people want to ignore you. It is impossible to debate people who refuse to admit the simple facts.

Tell me which ideological direction this nation has been moving in for the past 60 years.

There is absolutely no denying that our nation has been moving in the Liberal direction for decades. Moving away from traditional families & traditional values.

History tells us why certain things are happening today. The break down of our families & the break down in our culture can only be attributed to the obvious fact that our nation has been moving in a so called progressive direction. Progress? Liberalism is a failure.

2 points

Perhaps some people don't want to be known as citizens of a country where the people have vile, bigoted, selfish thoughts and actions. So yeah, "Liberals" are gonna complain when someone like fatmouth Rush Limbaugh starts saying hateful things just to whip people up into a frenzy and target the evil Democrats with his version of 2 minutes of hate.

Is it really insecurity when someone sees another person proclaim 2+2=9 and wants to correct them? Sounds more like altruism. Is it insecurity if someone walks up to you, tries to punch you, and you fight back?

Is it insecurity that makes me type out this post? Or is it insecurity that makes someone create a topic demonagogueing about another group you have poorly defined, on purpose, because you're just so mad and frustrated at how you can't physically knock some sense into them?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Your entire post is completely backwards. Liberals came long in the 70's & started attacking our religious freedoms of expression. People like Rush Limbaugh came along because of the attacks from Liberals on our traditional values. You see it every day when any Christian business or person dares express their faith when dealing with issues such as Gay marriage, abortion, etc. The Liberal Left attack these people ruthlessly, trying to get people to boycott the business or TV program if it does not tow the Political correct mindset.

The attacks from the Left have created conservative talk radio because Americans are so outraged at the loss of their freedoms of expression & freedom of speech to disagree & a right to their own opinions. Liberals are truly arrogant control fanatics.

usucdik Disputed
1 point

Religion deserves to attacked, because is has been attacking our society for so long already. It attacks science, social tolerance, logic, happiness...

It is so lol hilarious that you claim to have lost freedom, when you are complaining and gnashing your teeth over someone criticizing the overtly-religious crowd that is known for oppressing others and drowning out opinions. The only time you assume freedom is lost is when you lose the slightest bit of your iron grip on having full control to act however you want without consequence. If anything, you deserve to be "attacked", because your ideas are foolish and often get in the way of becoming a more humane society.

Also, conservative talk radio works well enough because conservatives like their 2 minutes of hate, and they like to be told how to think. If they had to actually come up with their own opinions or hear a real debate on crucial topics (you know, instead of "Obama is the anti-christ!" type stuff), their brains would tire out long before they could accomplish their goal of having a well-formed thought.

1 point

No one wants to hear how they are doing a bad job. I don't think it has so much with disapproving of people who aren't politically correct, and more to do with thinking it is normal to be offended by people who say stuff that has been deemed not politically correct.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

You're right, no one wants to believe they are wrong in their beliefs. Doing so would require saying our parents were wrong & that does not sit well. Many of us would like to believe our parents had all the answers.

Now as you can read in my words, I have real issues with those on the Left. I've lived long enough to see clearly the results of this so called Progressive movement in our nation. There is not much good I can say about it. I've known some people raised in Conservative house holds, & watched them rebel when reaching their later teens. Not rebel as in drinking, sex or drugs, but rebel in ideology. From what I've seen, it truly does seem to come down to an insecurity where they absolutely hate hearing about right & wrong, or morals, or personal responsibility. Being around secure people with opinions on right & wrong makes them feel bad about themselves & therefore lean towards an anything goes, no fault ideology.

It seems so obvious, this no fault PC path we are on is doing nothing but harm to this nation but you will never hear a Liberal admit it. I truly do believe there is some type of dysfunction that motivates people on the Left to deny reality.

2 points

You must also consider the possibility that the conservative agenda causes people to rebel without hearing about the PC agenda. Maybe you are doing something wrong.

1 point

You don’t appear to be genuinely interested in a constructive discussion on this or any issue where you’ve already decided upon a conclusion and intend to defend it at all costs. Debating does not consist of sticking to and defending your preconceived notions. It consists of intelligent deliberation and analysis of arguments in order to arrive at a sound conclusion.

Some questions you should ask yourself:

Why do you suppose Liberal's despise those who bring up moral values?

This is a loaded question. What makes you think they do?

Have you noticed how whenever someone's opinion addresses the moral breakdown in our culture, Liberals get all insecure & go into attack mode?

Another loaded question. Why do you consider that type of reaction exclusive to one particular group? Why do you consider it a sign of insecurity?

I would expect anyone who sees the flaw in misattributing the world’s problems to misguided notions of moral superiority to have something to say in opposition to it.

Whether it be a politicin or a Business owner, or just another person voicing their concerns, Liberals either boycott, lash out on Liberal TV or simply attack those who have diverse opinions.

Liberals are not the only people who speak out against other people’s opinions or actions. But why do you think people do that? Is it out of spite; simply for the sake of lashing out? Or is there probably a legitimate reason for their protest?

Is it really “diverse opinions” that people have issue with? Or what those particular opinions consist of? If “diverse opinions” consist of claims of moral superiority over otherwise acceptable behavior, I would expect opposition to it. If I were to say driving a horse drawn carriage is immoral, it is only reasonable to expect those who disagree to speak out against my opinion.

The first thing they say is whose morals as if someone was trying to force them to be moral.

Why do you assume the reason is because someone is trying to force them to be moral? Could it be that they’re asking simply because it’s a very legitimate question to ask? Who or what do you base your moral superiority on? Again, if I were to say driving a horse drawn carriage is immoral, I should expect people to inquire why I consider it wrong.

They seem so insecure that if a person merely mentions morals, they think people are talking about them & then become defensive. I wonder if it was their childhood making them feel badly about themselves.

Why do you assume a person’s opposition is out of insecurity? What makes you think the opposition is in response to when someone “merely mentions morals” and not something more specific?

Insecurity is a killer when it comes to relationships, marriage, etc. It creates constant fights because the insecure person gets defensive from the most innocent of remarks.

Are the remarks actually as innocent as you claim?

Tell me one law that Conservatives or Christians have passed in the past 30 years that tells you what you must do and forces you to live any particular moral lifestyle. I can spell out many many laws that Political correct Democrats have pushed down our throats. Your claims are laughable!

Democrats are constantly trying to make laws taking our gun rights away.

Democrats have forced us to buy their version of healthcare & even the arrogance to force us to pay for abortions.

They have been trying to bankrupt tobacco companies forever & raising the taxes on a pack of cigarettes so no one could afford them. THOUGHT POLICE AND NANNY STATE!

Telling us what foods we must eat and what our children can eat in school. They are our kids and we pay the school taxes!

Democrats even try to force us not to spank our kids.

They have actually censored college graduate speeches if they talk about their faith in God. You have the nerve to say Christians are oppressing others & drowning out opinions? YOU TOTAL HYPOCRITES!

It is the Liberal Democrat party oppressing any religious expression on pubic grounds. You close minded intolerant bigots are nothing more than the thought police controlling any opinions that goes against the collective.

It is the Democrat party forcing private businesses to cater to things that go against their beliefs. How would you like to be an African American family owned business and be forced to cater a KKK meeting? That is what Liberal Democrats would force you to do. They are taking more of our freedoms every single day.

Today's Socialist PC Democrats are very very scary to all of our freedoms.

Sex ed. is a perfect example of a Liberal's hatred for the very mention of morals. We had far fewer teen pregnancies 60 years ago because of moral upbringings where kids were actually taught about moral values.

Today Liberals refuse to admit this simple truth & tell you that abstinence training is not the answer. They refuse to admit that teaching moral values does work. They want to throw up their arms & admit they have no answers so they will teach kids how to have sex the right way. LOL, there is no right way for teen sex. They are not responsible enough to use birth control. They are teens!

Have you ever noticed how sometimes a person will offer an opinion and then someone else will disagree?

Have you ever noticed how there is right and wrong on many issues and no grey areas? Remember the holocaust? Most sane people recognize it was wrong, but when the victims are innocent Baby's living inside the womb, all of a sudden there is no right or wrong. The convenience of ending that unborn child's life now outweighs it's right of life.

Germans used the same rationale to excuse Killing Jewish people. There will always be groups of people who find excuses why killing other innocent people is justified.

Look in the mirror & ask yourself what has happened to America where we no longer posses the simple humanity to respect all innocent life.

You could change it with your vote if you actually cared.