
Debate Info

Obama bro Screw MIT
Debate Score:88
Total Votes:103
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 Obama bro (21)
 Screw MIT (21)

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banginurgurl(8) pic

Wo is better: Obama or Romney

Everyone knows Obama is the straight up shit! I mean our president is black! Lamborghingreen blue!!

Obama bro

Side Score: 52

Screw MIT

Side Score: 36
4 points

This shouldn't even be a topic to debate about, clearly the better man won.

Side: Obama bro
lego3072(80) Disputed
2 points

You guys are nuts! Obama sucks! Obviously only true assholes would make such bias, and stupid comments! Obama is gonna screw this country!

Side: Screw MIT
2 points

I didn't know that man who invaded Libya, started a proxy war with Syria, send more troops to Afghanistan, signed the NDAA, re-signed the patriot act, has been involved in corruption since the start of his career, wants to massively downsize the military and favors high taxes and government take overs was the "better man."

Side: Screw MIT
jdmontana(7) Disputed
2 points

That beats the last Republican who started two true wars (only one marginally justified), ruined our economy, divided the country, created the Patriot Act,and happen to take more vacation days than any Pres in history. And Mitt takes nearly the ideal positions that brought us that record. In that case it's easy, Obama is the man.

Side: Obama bro
4 points

Obama wins all day. Plus who names their kid Mitt? Seriously, were his parents like on dope or something.

Side: Obama bro
2 points

His first name is actually Willard. But that is just as bad as Mitt.

Side: Obama bro
lego3072(80) Disputed
2 points

BamBam you're parents are on Dope! They probably help the mexicans bring that shit into the country. Who names a kid Barack and who's last name is Obama? Messed up parents... oh wait he never really did have parents cause he had 2 mothers and 2 fathers!

Side: Screw MIT
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
2 points

Because thats the important thing when picking a leader has he got a nice name and what were his parents like, do you people read your arguments before posting them?

Side: Obama bro
lego3072(80) Disputed
2 points

BamBam you're parents are on Dope! They probably help the mexicans bring that shit into the country. Who names a kid Barack and who's last name is Obama? Messed up parents... oh wait he never really did have parents cause he had 2 mothers and 2 fathers!

Side: Screw MIT
DeerSlayer13(14) Disputed
1 point

The United States Made a huge mistake in voting for a guy who has been president for four years and has done nothing. gas has went threw the roof, as well as electricity, not to mention 16 trillion dollars of debt.

Side: Screw MIT
darthtimon(41) Disputed
3 points

Let's not forget that Obama's hands have been tied by a Republican controlled house which has done its level best to play partisan politics at every turn, regardless of the damage it does. Obama's policies might have worked for the better if he hadn't had to have compromised with a party more interested in telling women what they can do with their bodies thana.actually fixing anything.

Side: Obama bro
jdmontana(7) Disputed
2 points

Oh my, someone needs a nap (and a fact check). Gas prices are not controlled by the President (as stated by GW Bush). Domestic energy production is at an all time high. Electricity prices increased much more dramatically under GW as well. Most of the debt you list also occurred under GW and GW's policies. Much of the new debt is a result of the recession and dropping revenue caused by (you guessed it), GW policies. I hate to blame poor George too much, but BO inherited a mess and all you conservatives seem to ignore that. By the way, BO has; helped assure equal pay for women, ended one war, got some health care reform, changed the economy from losing 700,000 jobs a month to gaining 200,000 jobs a month - just a name few. What have you done?

Side: Obama bro
3 points

Black is dope. We all love our haters! Is crazy why people would want that joke Mit!

Side: Obama bro
lego3072(80) Disputed
1 point

Ban I bet you're black (not trying to be racist). But since you voted for him because he is black. The majority of people that voted for him where black. ANd that is being racist. Because you just voted for him because he is black. Don't deny it, it has been proven.

Side: Screw MIT
2 points

I agree with Lego. I'm sick of people calling Romney supporters racist. That is why Obama won. People didn't want to be called racists for not voting for him. And 95 percent of African Americans voted for Obama. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have a black president, but Americans shouldn't vote for a president just because he is black. I garuntee you that if another African American ran against Obama, he would have won in a landslide. He also got elected because he supports continuing welfare, so all of the people stealing our money by living off of welfare obviously voted for him.

Side: Screw MIT
3 points

Obama won so it must be him! Obviously Romney wasn't good enough!

Side: Obama bro
lego3072(80) Disputed
2 points

Hey Sam. Obviously Obama is gonna ruin this country! His unemployment rate is 8.0%. The Black unemployment rate is 25%. Kids that come out of college has a 1 in 7 chance of getting a job the country about to go bankrupt. And his foreign policy sucks!

Side: Screw MIT
2 points

His foreign policy does suck how can the commander and chief just stand by when the US consulate in Ben Gazi is being attacked by terrorists. The Americans there were crying out for help. And what did Obama do, Nothing. He sat and stayed put while we lost 4 brave Americans. That doesn't sound like a good president to me.

Side: Screw MIT
jdmontana(7) Disputed
2 points

The last republican pres (remember that) had an unemployment rate of nearly 10% and rising. We are now 7.9% and falling. I'll take that change. By the way, he ended one foreign war and is ending a second. GW started two.....

Side: Obama bro
2 points

Obama is only bad because the republicans in senate and congress are not letting him do anything that might actually improve the country.

Side: Obama bro
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Hehehe! Well Barry had a super-majority his first two years... he could have done whatever he wanted... I guess Obama-care was it, not the economy or jobs.

Side: Screw MIT
lego3072(80) Disputed
1 point

Yeah because all that he wants to pass is shit that wouldn't help the economy or the government he took 716 billion dollars out of MediCare to put towards ObamaCare. He is ruining this country!

Side: Screw MIT
lego3072(80) Disputed
0 points

All Obama wants to do is shove shit like Obamacare down the the congresses throats. That wouldn't benefit anyone. Smartass

Side: Screw MIT
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
4 points

guess where Obama got the idea of Obamacare from? That's right Mitt Romney. Smartass

Side: Obama bro
2 points

It's only a think. Well I say that you spelled the word"who" wrong .

Side: Obama bro
1 point

i like obama because im faded lol hes a way beter guy and Mitt screwed businesses

Side: Obama bro
1 point

Obama is better because the people are stupid. An example of this is right in front of your eyes literally! Look at all the people that don't support Obama yet they put their argument on the Obama favored side of the debate!

Side: Obama bro
1 point

Obama try's to help but the stupid government is keeping him

Down ok don't give him a hard time bitches!

Side: Obama bro

Barack Obama is inclusive of everyone whereas Romney does not approve of Gay Marriage. Also, Romney favors the rich.

Side: Obama bro
3 points

Who is this "Wo" you speak of? Sounds Chinese to me but what the hell... he couldn't be any worse than Obama.

Side: Screw MIT
2 points

You guys are nuts! Obama sucks! Obviously only true assholes would make such bias, and stupid comments! Obama is gonna screw this country!

Side: Screw MIT
SceneKid(20) Disputed
1 point

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up. The better man won. If you don't like it, go to England and see an awful government in action...

Side: Obama bro
lego3072(80) Disputed
2 points

Wow! Wow! The better man didn't win retard! Look at the economy, the foreign policy, the unemployment, the government in general. The stock market is gonna crash. He has done nothing to help this country. Why don't you go live in England so you can be employed.

Side: Screw MIT
1 point

Wo dude this debate is wired whwhwhhwhwhwhwhwhwwhhwhwh.....

Side: Screw MIT
1 point

We should have voted that black hippie off our office. He is giving away free handouts to lazy poor people. He's trying to convert this country into atheism. I hope those blinded to his very color will find the truth in the bible.

And quess what the next regime in Panama is. Yeah, it's leader an atheist socialist liberal. Not only are we causing harm home we are doing it abroad too.

Side: Screw MIT
Migs(22) Disputed
0 points

how is he promoting Atheism? and even if so.. Who cares? and whats wrong with Atheism? express your opinions to me.

Side: Obama bro
Billy_Bob(13) Disputed
1 point

Here he attacks the very principles our country was founded on. To begin with we weren't founded a democracy. Much of the power was given to the senate that wasn't voted. Sometimes the liberals will argue they believe in the constitution but that lie is easy to dispel.

Side: Screw MIT