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 Would you prefer our Constitution be a living document, as the Left strives for? (10)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Would you prefer our Constitution be a living document, as the Left strives for?

A couple questions...

Would you prefer our Constitution be a living document (as the Left strives for), or one that no matter what would prevent future Politicians from possibly ushering in Communism. This is how important it is to have Constitutionalist Supreme court justices, and not political activists on the Court.

Do you more fear your child being killed by a repeat drunk driver, or a mass killer in school?

Are you as fixated on alcohol, that kills far more children, as you are the gun?

If you had the choice to give up your life (with absolutely no pain), or keep on living, what would it be? Thank your mother and pro life people for allowing you that choice!

If there was a test for Homosexuality, would you test your unborn baby as they do Special Need's babies, and kill him? Conservatives and Christians would fight for their right to life no matter what!
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Would you prefer our Constitution be a living document


or one that no matter what would prevent future Politicians from possibly ushering in Communism


excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

or one that no matter what would prevent future Politicians from possibly ushering in Communism

Hello bront:

Tell me, my friend, HOW the Constitution as written, would PREVENT politicians from ushering in Communism.. It certainly isn't keeping FASCISM from being ushered in..



5 points


Fascism grows the government. Trump doing not fascist things isn't Fascism. It's like accusing Socialists implementing socialist policies of being out of control Capitalists.

FASCISM: forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce, complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state. Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence as means that can achieve national rejuvenation. authoritarian goals of creating a regulated economic structure to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture; and a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence and promotion of youth and charismatic leadership.

I would say the left of today actually IS pushing towards these types of policies and thought. They even embrace far right extremist ideologies, nations, and cultures that are waaaaaay further right than American Conservatives.

Consider the past. Liberals used to oppose who? Religious zealots who claimed you can't say or do certain things because it's not "Christian". Liberals said no, I can say and do what I want as long as I'm not hurting people, breaking laws, etc.

But the culture changed and shifted. Who is telling us what we can and cannot say now? This mob of leftists has become what liberals used to oppose and hate. Technically, most of my views would have put me in the Democratic Party in the past. Those days are gone. I am more or less a Conservative on fiscal matters like economic freedom and pro Capitalism, and I'm more liberal on many social matters. But fiscal matters affect my life more in a tangible way. As far as social matters, the left's recent views on violence and free speech are quite disturbing.

5 points

Tell me, my friend, HOW the Constitution as written, would PREVENT politicians from ushering in Communism

Because inalienable rights endowed by our creator rejects an ideology who acknowledges no creator or creator given rights.

The first and second amendment reject Communism. Before Xi became "leader for life" in China, guns were banned. Odd how that works isn't it... They have no protected free speech. Point of fact, they actually penalize your "social score" if they don't like things you say, basically making it impossible for you to get a good job.

As for "how the Constitution can stop Communism"? Simple. Most Americans believing in it. The people give it its power. Once they are convinced that being reds is better? We might as well all bend over and grab our ankles and get ready for the scream at the Constitution sessions...

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Folks the Constitutional Scholar has got himself a 4 ALARM FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

HOW the Constitution as written, would PREVENT politicians from ushering in Communism.. It certainly isn't keeping FASCISM from being ushered in..

Your infinite WISDOM and the KNOWLEDGE u have where the CONSTITUTION is concerned has us wondering why u have not quoted the CONSTITUTION relating to the babble of your above statement.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Lets talk about the Mayor of New York !!!!!!!!

1 point

The function of the Supreme court is interpreting our Constitution and basing their decisions on their findings. It's not creating new law as the activist Justices try to do.


5 points

The function of the Supreme court is interpreting our Constitution and basing their decisions on their findings. It's not creating new law as the activist Justices try to do.

True, but libs don't care. They are tyrants who are brown shirt slaves to the state and do its bidding, just like the good little worker bees that they are.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Lefty is the SCOTUS what u need to write law ????????????????