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 Would you vote for a KKK member for President? Dems say they are not one issue voters. (4)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Would you vote for a KKK member for President? Dems say they are not one issue voters.

There are very few Progressives, Liberals, Democrats who would ever vote for a KKK member for President. That one issue alone would eliminate any chance of them voting for the person. So in this case, you would be a one issue voter no matter if you agreed with his other positions.

You would correctly state that the one issue of being a racist would supercede all other issues. You would say that his racist mentality would speak clearly to the core of his personal values. You would be correct in not voting for him because it would definitely speak to who he is and his lack of values.

To all the people who vote for Politicians who support No Restriction abortions, but say they are personally against them, why is it this one issue of No Restriction abortions does not bring forth your repugnance for the politician's core values?
Why is it you give this politician a pass when it comes to his inhuman support of killing viables babies for any reason up to birth.

There can be only one reason. You yourself could not care less about viable babies being killed for any reason up to birth. That one issue is not important enough to you to base your vote on it.

It bothers you more that a politician is a racist, than if the politician supports killing viable babies up to birth.

Is any of this getting through to you phonies who say you are personally against late term abortions of viable babies, yet you still elect the radical fools lacking the simplest discernment of human values.

You simply lack the integrity and honesty to admit your support for killing healthy viable babies when voting for those who would keep it legal. We are not talking extreme case abortions that would still be allowed. We are talking about aborting healthy babies by healthy mothers with no health reasons, etc.

This is what this extreme Democrat Party supports. The next time you pull that lever, think about what you are supporting. It is no different then voting for a KKK member. The only difference is the victims are not Black. They are young and have no voice to cry out with.
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They voted Robert Byrd, KKK member, into office for almost 50 years up to his death in 2010. The only thing that kept them from voting for the KKK yet again was that he died. I'm not convinced they wouldn't vote in a Klansman as President. They would just change the party line, defend it, and make excuses for it. It would somehow be because of the Right. If you ask a Liberal what they stand for, they give vague non-answers and become figity. All the left stands for is one thing and one thing alone. Opposing the right at all costs and to any end. The Left is where Sodom meets Gamorrah and where Gamorrah meets the Beast system as allies.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Remember that it was only the one State where they elected him.

Byrd was elected to Congress by one State. I don't believe Byrd would have ever been elected for President even during that time. They would have said that one issue was too much for them.

I agree when you say they might have made excuses for him because they truly have no moral code to stand by.

They are so lacking in the most basic of humanity, they support No Restriction abortions for the money and votes from Feminists and the abortion lobby.

0 points

Obviously because they dont see abortion as horrific as you do. Why havent you figured this out yet?Why must you continue to create the same debate every few days? Do you have a life?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

People once did not see slavery as horrific as they do now! People like you would have been making the same excuses concerning slavery as you are now making. They would have said we don't look at slavery as you do.

You act like whatever the Democrat Party supports is ok.

You are as lost as they are!

Why is it we never see the actual abortion procedure of babies, especially late term babies? They know full wlll how horrific it is and why they refuse to show the so called medical procedure. If it's not horrific why won't they show the procedure to help educate the people to what is entailed in an abortion?

Abortion has been our number one contentious issue for decades and you would think they would want to clarify the procedure... right?

They know exactly how horrific it is but they STILL DON'T CARE! People who elect these inhumn politicians are truly selfish uncaring people lacking the simplest of moral values.