
Debate Info

Yes, of course. No, absolutely not.
Debate Score:143
Total Votes:183
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 Yes, of course. (44)
 No, absolutely not. (28)

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Secularity(23) pic

Would you vote for an Atheist presidential candidate?

Would you vote for an Atheist in a presidential election or in an election for any higher office?

Yes, of course.

Side Score: 78

No, absolutely not.

Side Score: 65
4 points

"Atheists can't have any morals, because morals come from God, and the bible! That's why you're all so wicked..."

So what's the implication here? It's that religious people are moral, and atheists are not, because morality can only come from a supreme being who sets rules, and enforces them...

Every theist who has EVER said this is admitting that they themselves are only NOT killing, raping and stealing because they're afraid that God will see them in their moment of evil, and smite them for it.

"You atheists don't believe in heaven and hell, so why would you bother to NOT rape my girlfriend and then kill her? I mean, I'd have done it myself, but God would have punished me for it later, so instead I did the human thing and formed a caring relationship."

... What truly astounds me is just how frightening an admission this is. Surely, we've all heard this "myth" uttered by someone, haven't we?

And each time someone says it, what they're REALLY saying is "The only reason I don't commit unspeakable crimes is because I'm afraid of eternal judgment and torture. I'm dead-set on going to heaven, so no raping for me!"

It really is that scary. I tend to give even the people who make this nonsensical claim the benefit of the doubt that they're just ignorant, not terrifying close to committing a horrible crime, but what if they really meant it?

What if these people - who sadly represent the majority here in America - are really only NOT committing every heinous act they can think of because they're afraid of the cosmic judge in the sky who will hold them accountable for every misdeed? What kind of sociopath would genuinely ONLY not kill and rape because they know they'll get caught?

Well, next time someone asks you how an atheist can possibly have morals, take a good look. You've either met a moron, or someone capable of the most evil crimes imaginable if they thought for a second - as you do, dear reader - that god is a fairy-tale.

Atheists don't do good because we expect to go to heaven, or fear going to hell; Atheists do good because we want to.

Why don't all atheists commit murders and go on theft-heavy crime-sprees? Because we wouldn't like it if people stole from us, or tried to kill us... We have basic human empathy, just like most theists.

I genuinely don't believe even most of the people who ask such an incredibly insulting question honestly believe what they're saying, because how could they?

OF COURSE you don't need a holy book to tell you right from wrong - especially when the scriptures for "the big three" religions especially are full of actual endorsements of murder and rape and misogyny, and every other evil thing a bronze-age man could possibly imagine.

Us atheists are good people because we want to be. We don't treat people badly because we ourselves don't want to be treated badly. This isn't hard to fathom.

So next time someone asks you, as an atheist, how you could possibly have any morality, ask them as a theist how they could possibly be AGAINST stoning to death disobedient children. Or killing people for working on Sundays. Or locking women away during their period, for the protection of men.

THESE are the morals of the bible... If you THINK morality comes from a holy book, then holy shit, are you ever deluded.

If they don't rather quickly realize just how stupid a question they just posed to you, you need to run away; You've just met someone who only doesn't kill you because they're afraid of the seat that would save them in hell...

And for some reason, that psychopath thinks YOU have issues with morality. Go figure.

Side: Yes, of course.
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Did you just copy that argument from your debate?

Actually, that argument isn't even original, is it? It came from another website.

Side: Yes, of course.
3 points

If a candidate were an Atheist it would not discourage my vote for them. It is their stances on policy that matters.

Side: Yes, of course.
Whatsright(11) Disputed Banned
0 points

If a candidate were an Atheist it would not discourage my vote for them. It is their stances on policy that matters.

He would like support pervertedness and corruptness

Side: No, absolutely not.
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
2 points

Wow, you really know nothing.

Being an atheist does not mean you are evil.

Side: Yes, of course.
3 points

If I voted religious stance, wouldn't make a difference to me.

Side: Yes, of course.
2 points

Yes, any other candidate is not rational thinking (probably)

Side: Yes, of course.
Thereasoner Disputed
1 point

Yes, any other candidate is not rational thinking (probably)

And people wonder why we say Atheists are not tolerant.....

Side: No, absolutely not.
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
2 points

So you chose one negative argument, out of all of the completely rational ones, to defend your point. What about the people on the opposing side who chose no, just because he is an atheist? You are a hypocrite.

Side: Yes, of course.

If they I agreed with what they planned on doing and I trusted them I would vote for any one no matter what religious views or lack of religious views they held as long as they were not going to impose them on other people.

Side: Yes, of course.
thereasoner1(18) Disputed
1 point

If they I agreed with what they planned on doing and I trusted them I would vote for any one no matter what religious views or lack of religious views they held as long as they were not going to impose them on other people.

Thanks for banning me for disagreeing with you

Side: No, absolutely not.
Thereasoner Disputed
0 points

If they I agreed with what they planned on doing and I trusted them I would vote for any one no matter what religious views or lack of religious views they held as long as they were not going to impose them on other people.

How would they "impose" your beliefs on you????

Side: No, absolutely not.
2 points

All that matters is if they can do the job and that they'll look after the people right, if they can do that they've got my vote their releigion is irrelevant

Side: Yes, of course.

I would tolerate a president who doesn't inflict biblical morals as laws upon the society much more, and kept my admiration towards him for his real hard work. - But i don't see really a point in voting for someone just because of his religion or culture, still I might have an idea. We choose a man or a woman who can represent us to other countries. And I wouldn't want to be part of the failure if that occurs.

Side: Yes, of course.
1 point

In order for this to be a "Debate in the first place", the "Voting" as a default fails as a debate. The very act of the vote is to negate or ignore the validity of the debate in the first place. Can any one of you honestly expect someone of "Faith" to vote for a Atheist? This is not a debate. It is the lack there of.

Side: Yes, of course.
3 points

Isn't it weird that we have this concept that people of all faiths and non believers are being forced to vote for Christians only, but it is unthinkable for someone of faith to vote for an Atheist?

Side: Yes, of course.
Thereasoner Disputed
1 point

No America is a theocracy not a republic that is just a myth are founders where part of a great Christian nation as another user said

Side: No, absolutely not.

Why not?

Side: Yes, of course.
thereasoner1(18) Disputed
1 point


Side: No, absolutely not.
1 point

I see there would be nothing wrong with it. I would vote, I don't think religious matter.

Side: Yes, of course.
1 point

Of coarse I would! Why wouldn't I or anyone else? To simply vote for someone based on their religious or non religious views is simply ignorant and closed minded.

Side: Yes, of course.
Thereasoner Disputed
1 point

Of coarse I would! Why wouldn't I or anyone else? To simply vote for someone based on their religious or non religious views is simply ignorant and closed minded.

How so?

Side: No, absolutely not.
Tim17(103) Disputed
2 points

For one, separation of church and state. How not so? Please state your argument.

Side: Yes, of course.
1 point

If this candidate held the same values POLITICALLY as me NOT RELIGIOUSLY, then i would. Makes common sense. Why would you vote for someone who you think might let their religious beliefs cloud their thinking?

Side: Yes, of course.
1 point

I surely would. It shows that this candidate is not scared to stand up for his beliefs even in a world of politics. Someone who can be so confident and transparent about their thoughts and morals will make a satisfying leader.

Side: Yes, of course.

I can't find a reason not to vote for an atheist if he or she runs for President.

Side: Yes, of course.

The Atheist isn't gonna blame god for everything but take responsibility. Religion kills responsibility. Our former Presidents used too much religion. The USA uses the "Bible" to kill gay people's writes to marry each other. More likely the Atheist president will try his best to ignore those homophobic phrases in the bible. Plus he can change the fact that the USA uses religion for everything. Change the in God we trust motto. Change the one Nation under god verse in the flag. That's why I don't say the pledge.

Side: Yes, of course.
5 points

Would you vote for an Atheist presidential candidate?

No we need someone who will keep gay marriage and over turn Roe v Wade the very thought of a Atheist president disgusts me.

Side: No, absolutely not.
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

Why? What makes an atheist president any different form a Christian one?

Side: Yes, of course.
Whatsright(11) Disputed Banned
5 points

Why? What makes an atheist president any different form a Christian one?

Supporting the homosexual agenda and supporting abortion and usually removing God from our great Christian nation

Side: No, absolutely not.
Whatsright(11) Disputed Banned
3 points

A true Christian would be a good president a false Christian would probually be a bad president

Side: No, absolutely not.
3 points

Atheists are rebellious and do not support theocracies as the bible says

Side: No, absolutely not.
3 points

No, I wouldn't vote for an atheist presidential candidate.

Side: No, absolutely not.
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

What if you thought he would make a good president?

(And yes, I know I just said I was leaving. I'm enjoying one last debate.)

Side: Yes, of course.
Srom(12120) Disputed
3 points

I know, he probably wouldn't be a doing a good job. I know he would pass things that I know I wouldn't like and others.

Side: No, absolutely not.
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

So you blatantly admit that your religion brings discrimination to the table?

The candidate may share your views on same sex marriage(among other pressing issues), with a different reason, one perhaps found more so in logic other than faith. Yet this still would not cause you to vote for them?

Side: Yes, of course.
2 points

Christians and Christianity are just a bunch of contradictions.

Side: Yes, of course.
Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

So you blatantly admit that your religion brings discrimination to the table?

I wouldn't say that I am in a religion. I hate religion but love Jesus. Christianity is about being in a relationship with Christ. Religion is man's way to get to God. Christianity's is God trying to reach man.

The candidate may share your views on same sex marriage(among other pressing issues), with a different reason, one perhaps found more so in logic other than faith. Yet this still would not cause you to vote for them?

A lot of atheists I know would want same sex marriage to be legalized because they think it should be equal.

Side: Yes, of course.